Morgunblaðið - 24.10.1963, Side 17

Morgunblaðið - 24.10.1963, Side 17
Fimmtudagur 24. okt. 1963 MGRGUNBLAÐIÐ 17 Sjón er sögu ríkari j.epar yðux vantar bók um eitthvert atriði í starfs- e ða fræðgrein yðar — sama hvort um er að ræða bókleg eða verkleg fræði — ættuð þér að athuga, hvort bókin er ekki til í bókaverzlun okkar í Hafnarstræti 9. I»a r er jafnan fyrirliggjandi stórt úrval bóka um allt mill i bímins og jarðar frá ýmsum stærstu útgáfufyrirtækj- um heimsins. — Hér á eftir birtum við örlítið sýni shorn af bókaflokkum og nýjustu bókunum í hverju m flokki: Almenn tækni McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Sci- ence and Technology, 1225.00 Alþjóðalög og réttur I. Brownlie: Internationai Law and the use of Force by States, Auglýsingar — Markaðsleit W. Weir:Truth in Advertising, 322,00. A. & G. Tack: How to seli Successfully Overseas, Augnsjúkdómar H. Arruga: Ocular Surgery, Ballett A. Kahn: Days with Ulanova, 175,00. The Bolstoi Ballett, 122,50. Bankamál R. S. Sayers: Modern Banking, 5. útg. 196,00. J. M. Holden: Securities for Bankers’ Advan- ces, 245,00. Bellemore’s Invest- ments, Principles, Practices and Analysis, 560,00. W. S. Bryant: Mortagage Lending; fundamen- tals and practices, 392,00. Barnasjúkdómar S. D. M. Court: The Medical Care of Children, 350,00. Barnauppeidi B. Spock: Grosse Hand fiihrt kleine Hand, 218,40. B. Spock: Baby and Child Care, 27,50. N. G. Haring: Educating Emotion- ally Disturbed Children, 353,50. Bifvélavirkjun H. Laass: Selbsthiife am Auto, 166.40. Volkswagen Owners Handbook of Repair and Main- tenance, 150,00. Motorer, Re- parationsteknik, 602,00. Motor’g Aulo Repair Manual, 497,50. Blóðsjúkdómar Weinstein & Bautler: Mechanis- mus uf Anemia, 815,50. Bókhald Meigs and Johnson: Accounting, 47Íi,00. H. Bierman, Jr.: Topics in Cost Accounting and Decisi- •ns, 378,00. Byggingafræði E. Neufert: Bauordungslehre, 1400,00. Th. H. McKaig: Build- ing Failures, 584,50. F. S. Merr- itt: Building Construction Hand- book, 815,50. G. A. Leonards: Foundation Engineering, 1358,00. W. S. La Londe: Concrete Eng- ineering Handbook, 1330,00. L. C Urquhart: Design of Con- crete Structures, 518,00. N. Foster: Practical Tables for Building Construction, 406,00. Byggingarlist U. Kultermann: Der Schiiissel lur Architektur von Heute, 322.40. Knaurs Lexikon der Mo- dernen Architektur, 237,60. F. R. Barran: Ferienháuser, 572,00. Apartments and Dormitories 532,00. Record Houses of 1963 161,00. World Architec ture, an illustratcd History, (Ancient & Classical, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Xslamic, Medieval, Rena- issance, Modern), 588,00. Svæfingar Papper & Kitz: Uptake and Distribution of Anesthetic Agents, 815,50. Dýrafræði The Wonders of Life on Earth, 210,00. Nature: Earth, Plants, Animals, 350,00. E. Le. Danois: Fishes of the World, 441,00. Der * Neue Brehm, 231,40. Eðlisfræði Dom: Physik, 189,80. R. Kenn- erd & Lauritsen: Introduction to Modern Physics, 280,00. Physics, 290,00. S. Tolansky: Introduction to Atomic Physics, 210,00. W. E, Burcham: Nuclear Physics, 490,00. A. M. Zarem: Introduction to the Utilization •f Solar Energy, 731,50. Efnafræði Cuny: Chemie, 205,40. Chemistry to-day, A Guide for Teachers, 140,00. Fieser: Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 477,50. Klein berg: Inorganic Chemistry, 350,00. L. Meites: Handbook of Analytical Chemistry, 2576,00. E. W. Berg: Physical and Chemi eal Methods of Separation, «79,00. F. H. Moser & A. L. Thomas: Phthalocyanine Comp- •unds, 900,00. H. J. M. Bowen Íc D. Gibbons: Radio-Activation Analysis, 350,00. Ellisjúkdómar F. Post: The Significance of Affective Symptoms in Old Age, 210,00. J. A. N. Corsellis: Mental Iilness and the Ageing Brain, Félagsfræði R. Bierstedt: The Social Order, an Introduction to Sociology, 570,50. D. W. Gotshalk: Art and the Social Order, 82,75. A. F. Philip: Family Failure: a Study of 129 Families with Multiple Problems, 227,50. Fiskiðnaður M. E. Stansby: Industrial Fishery Technology, 600,00. G. Borgstrom: Fish as Food, Fornminjafræði Collins Field Guide to Archaeo- logy in Britain, 175,00. C. W. Ceram: A Picture History of Archaeology, 126,00. H. Arbman: The Vikings, 210,00. J. Thor- wald: Macht und Geheimnis der Friihen Árzte, 383,40. V. W. von Hagen: • Sonnen König Reiche, Fuglafræði Brehms Exotische Vogelwelt, 382.40. J. Dorst: The Migrations of Birds, 350,00. J. Wakenfield: The Strange World of Birds, 175,00. E. A. R. Ennion: Bird- watching, 112,00. Márchen der Europaischen Völker, I-III, Fundir og ræðumennska F. D. Head: Meetings, 129,50. A. N. Kruger: Modern Debate, its Logic and Strategy, 353,50. H. Peterson: A Treasury of the World’s Great Speeches, 375,00. Geðsjúkdómar D. Richter: Aspects of Psychla- tric Research, 518,00. Geimrannsóknir H. Gartmann: Space Travel, 147,00. R. Neumann: The Dark Side of the Moon, 105,00. J. N. Bell: Seven into Space, 87,50. Gerlafræði R. Hare: An Outline of Bacter- iology and Immunity, 280,00. Guðfræði Paul Tiilich and the Christian Message, 175,00. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 560,00. P. Bamm: Welt- en des Glaubens, 318,50. Die Grossen Religionen der Welt, 257.40. G. Schwaiger: Die Re- formation in den Nordischen Láandern, 166,40. Hagfræði L. Erhard: The Economics of Success, 294,00. J. Tinberg: Shaping the World Economy, 112,50. P. A. Samuelson: Econo- mics, 5. útg. 434,00. Roy Harrold: The British Economy, 210,00. McConnell: Economics, 434,00. G. N. Halm: Wirtschafts- systeme, 319,80. Ludwig Erhardt: Deutsche Wirtschafts-politik, • Heilsufræði Diehl: Textbook of Healthful Living, 367,50. M. Davies: Every- woman’s Book of Health and Medical Problems, 147,00. Esquire’s The Art of Keeping Fit, 175,00. McCarrison & Sin- clair: Nutrition and Health, 112,00. Der Gesundheits Brock- haus, 500,50. Hitatækni M- W. Zemansky: Heat and Thermodynamics, 252,00. A. C. Walshaw: Thermodynamics for Engineers, 192,50. F. H. Craw- ford: Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, 525,00. Hýbýlaprýði The Art of Interior Decoration / Doors and Windows / Walls / Floors and Ceiling / Lighting Libraries / Alcoves and Shelving / Stoves and Fireplaces / Simple / Classic / Sophisticated, 1028,00. House and Garden’s Book of Interiors, voi. 53, 350,00. S. Nagel & K. Frank: Unser Haus, 201,60. íþróttir Sport International, 105,00. In- ternational Football Book No. 5, 105,00. D. G. A. Lowe: Track and Field Athletics, 87,50. M. Randall: Basic Movement, 66,50. F. L. Briscope: Swimming for Schoolboys, 105,00. G. Forsberg: Modern Long Distance Swimm- ing, 210,00. P. Butler: Judo Complete, 294,00. G. Koizume: My Study of Judo, 280,00. Járnsmíði Gitter aus Stahl in Neuen For- men, 520,00. Entwiirfe Zeitnaher Schmiede Arbeitan, 246,20. J. G. Robertson: Metalwork. S. Spring: Metal Cleaning, 497,50. Kennslumál Richey: Planning for Teaching, 378,00. UNESCO Source Book for Science Teaching, 102,40. J. W. Brown: Collcge Teaching, Perspectives and Guidelines, 322,00. R. F. Berdie: Testing in Guidance and Counseling, 367.50. A. J. Jones: Principles of Guidance, 353,50. S. Marshall: An Experiment in Education, Krabbamein R. W. Raven: Cancér, progress volume 1963, 420,00. C. Oberling: The Fight against Cancer, 126,00. V. Stefánsson: Cancer, Disease of Civilization, 195,35. Kvensjúkdómar M. M. White & V. B. Green- Armytage: The Management of Impaircd Fertility, 441,00. Landafræði Geography: our Planet, its People and Resources, 350,00. N. J. G. Pounds: Political Geography, 518,00. Carlson: Geography and World Politics, 432,70. Knaurs Welt Atlas, 546 Seiten, 200 Karten. 50000 Stich- wörter, 270,00. Leiklist E. Ionesco: Plays, vol. 5, 147,00. J. Anouilh: Becket, 35,00. J. Anouilh: The Lark, 28,00. J. Anouilh: Antigone o. fl., 96,25. J. Giraudoux: Plays, vol. 1, 175,00. C. Stanislavski: Creating a Role, 126,00. Felsenstein & Melchinger: Musiktheater, 336,00. Geissler: Zur Interpreta- tion des Modernen Dramas, 88,40. Max Frisch: Stúck 1 & 2. Líffræði G. R. Taylor: The Science of Life. A. Pict. History of Biology, 294,00. R. B. Brown: Biology, 412.50. J. M. AUen: The Nature of Biological Diversity, 623,00. Ljósfræði G. S. Monk: Light, 122,50. Ljósmyndir Encyclopedia Of Colour Photo- graphy, 364,00. W. D. Emanuel & A. Matheson: Cameras 1963/ 64, The Facts, 245,00. A. Pearl- man: Rollei Manual, 350,00. Masters of Photography, 247,50. J. Gielbelhausen: Photo Phanta- sien, 192,40. Málfræði M. Girsdansky: The Adventure of Language, 175,00. B. Malm- berg: Phonetics, 55,00. S. Potter: Modern Linguistics, 87,50. R. W. Zandvoort: A Handbook of English Grammar, 147,00. C. F. Hockett: A. Course in Modern Linguistics, 406,00. W. K. Jude: Deutsche Grammatik, 117,60. Matgerðarlist M. Patten: Cookery in Colour, 175,00. D. B. Marsh: Good House- keeping Cook Book, 280,00. I. S. Rombauer & M. R. Becker: Joy of Cooking, 297,50. Músik S. Green: The Rodgers and Hammerstein, 147,00. R. Berges: Opera, Origins and Sidelights, 195,00. P. Howard: Gluck and the birth of Modern Opera, 210,00. C. Cox: The Real Figáro, 175,00. V. Fuchs: The Art of Singing and Voice Technique, 210,00. H. Ulrich & P. A. Pisk: A History of Music and Musical Style, 420,00. A. Melicher: Musik in der Zwangsjacke, 192,60. Riemann Musik Lexikon, I-II, 2444,00. Das Grosse Buch der Musik, 383,50. E. Valentin: Beethoven, 205,40. Myndlist Larousse Encyclopedia of By- zantine and Medieval Art, 462,00. Fr. Gettings: The Golden Pleasure Book of Art, 105,00. H. Pannelin: Picasso, 322,40. Cassou (o. fl.): Durchbruch zum 20. Jahrhundert, 1176,00. Náttúrufræði Fishér & Huzley: Nature; Earth, Plants, Animals, 350,00. Harry Garms: Pflanzen und Tiere Europas, 455,00. Plast Plastics International, 441,00. H. R. Simonds: Concise Guide to Plastics, 600,00. A. Allcott: Plastics Today, 126,00. P. I. Smith: Plastics for Production, 126,00. J. Butler: Cómpression and Transfer Moulding of Plastics, 245,00. J. M. J. Estevez: Manipulation of Thermoplastic Sheet, Rod & Tube, 192,50. Prentlist, útgáfustarfsemi Penrose Annuai, Vol. 55, 294,00. Sir Stanley Unwin: The Truth about a Publisher, 175,00. P. A. Bennett: Books and Printing, 101,75. Kiirschners Graphiker Handbuch, 351,00. Rafmagnsfræði J. Adams: Eiectrical Principles and Practices, 406,00. G. E. Will- iams & B. J. Prigmore: Elec- trical Engineering, 490,00. E. Vennard: The Electric Power Business, 325,50. A. E. Knowlton: Standard Handbook for Electri- cal Engineers, 1057,00. L. P. Huelsman: Circuits, Matrices and Linear Vector Spaccs, Saga A. W. Palmer: A Dictionary of Modern History 1789—1945, 210,00. J. Bowle: A New Outline of World History, 350,00. History: Civilization from its Beginnings, 350,00. Larousse Encyciopedia of Ancient and Medieval History. Forvtord by A. Toynbee, 422,00. V. Valentin: Weltgeschichte I-II, 62,40. V. Valentin: Knaurs Deutsche Geschichte, 390,00. P. Grimal: Knaurs Römische Kultur Ges- chichte, 350,00.. Sálarfræði M. E. Hahn: Psychoevaluation: Adaptation, Distribution, Adju- stment, 434,00. Problems in Psychoanalysis. A. Symposium, 73,50. Contributions to Modern Psychology, 196,00. A. N. Dry: The Psychology of Jung, 245,00. Skipasmíði J. O. Traung: Fishing Boats of the World, 1029,00. P. Scull: Great Ships around the World, Skýrsluvélar og sjálfvirkni Buchholz: Planning a Computer System, 532,00. Bartee: Digital Computer Fundamentals, 352,50. McCormick: Digital Computer Primer, 406,00. N. Chapin: Pro- gramming Computers for Bus- iness Applications, 406,00. Office Automation, 35,00. Statistik J. E. Freund & F. J. Williams: Modern Business Statistics, 350,00. P. G. Hoel: Elementary Statistics, 271,95. L. R. Connor & A. J. H. Morrell: Statistics in Theory and Practice, 210,00. J. E. Breund: Modern Elementary Statistics, 382,00. Steinafræði A. Streckeisem: Minerale und Gesteine, 57,20. K. Krúger: Das Reich der Gesteine, 322,40. H. Schumann: Einfiihrung in die Gesteinswelt, 114,00. J. F. Kirkaldy: Minerals and Rocks, Stjórnmál H. G. Nicholas: The United Nations as a Political Institution, 147,00. G. Nollan: International Communism and World Revolution, 245,00. J. Chamberlain: The Roots of Capitalism, 264,00. J. Roucek: Classics in Political Science, 245,00. Political Handbook and Atlas of the World, 1963, 347,50. Anton' Hantschel: Es Wetter- leuchtet am Polarkreis, 237,60. Stjórnunarfræði B. Payne: Planning for Company Growth, 462,00. T. J. McNichols: Policy Making and Executive Action, 486,50. Koontz & O’- Donnell: Principles of Manage- ment, 462,00. Place & Hicks: College Secretrial Procedures, 287,00. Dick Carlson: Modern Management, Principles and , Practices, 73,50. J. K. Lasser’s Business Management Hand- book, 679,00. N. W. Chamberlain: The Firm Micro-Economic Planning and Action, 434,00. Practical Office Timesavers. Stjörnufræði J. Herrmann: Astronomie. Eine moderne Sternkunde, 121,55. Littrow: Die Wunder des Himm- els, 494,00. J. Muirden: Astro- nomy with Binoculars, 175,00. F. M. Brandley: Experiments in Sky Watching, 147,00. J. D. W. Staal: Focus on Stars, 280,00. O. Struve & V.' Zebergs: Astrono- my of the 20th Century, 665,00. Stærðfræði The Tractenberg Speed System of Basic Mathematics, 147,00. A. Tarski & Bjarni Jónsson: Ordinal Algebra, 186,30. A. Tarski & Bjarni Jónsson: Direct Decompositions of Finite Al- gebraic Systems, 96,25. P. R. Halmos: Measure Theory, 420,00. R. V. Churchill: Forurier Series and Boundary Vaiue Problems, 367.50. J. R. Newman: The World of Mathematics, 4 bindi, 497.50. P. O. Andersen: Mate- matik for Gymnasiet, 315,00. R. L. Graves: Recent Advances in Mathematical Programming, 647.50. E. Weiss: Algebraic Number Theory, 539,00. Hand- buch der Schulmathematik, 6 bindi, 494,00 hvert bindi. Tannlækningar H. M. Pickard: A Manual of Operative Dentistry, 245,00. Umferðamál E. Davies: Traffic Engineering Practice, 525,00. F. A. Haight: Mathematical Theories of Traffic Flow, 450,00. Útvarps- og sjónvarpstækni Application of Radio-Television Principies, 1-7, 1247,50. E. A. Anthony: Profitable Television Troubieshooting, 392,00. K. Henney: Radio Engineering Handbook, 1330,00. D. G. Flink: Television Engineering Hand- book, 703,50. H. Jasik: Antenna Engineering Handbook, 1193,50. R. P. Nanavati: An Introduction to Semiconductor Electronicéf 579,00. Van Valkenburgh: Basic Electronics in six parts, 560,00. W. W. Diefenbach: Fjernsyn Service, 575,00. Þjóðhættir J. Lindsay: Daily Life in Roman Egypt, 294,00. Varnished Civili- zations, forgotten People of the Ancient World, 802 myndir, 211 í litum ,52 landabréf, 1176,00. Auk þess sem við höfum stærsta lager erlendra bóka hér á landi útvegum við með stuttunr. fyrirvara allar fáanlegar bækur og tímarit. Sérstaklega viljum við benda mönnum á vísinda- og tækni-tímaritin vegna greinargóðra ritdóma, sem þau birta. Erum umboðsmenn á íslandi fyrir: Oxford University Press, McGraw-IIiII, UNESCO, HMSO, OECD o. fl. útgefendur. AHar enskar og þýzkar bókasendingar fluttar í flugfragt — án aukakostnaðar. Nýjar bækur næstuir. dagiega. Hafnarstræti 9. — Simar: 11936 og 10193.



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