Lögberg - 29.07.1954, Síða 16
Power for the City of Winnipeg
Since 1911, City Hydro has
been supplying dependable, low
cost electricity to the City of
Winnipeg. As Winnipeg has
grown, City Hydro has added to
its generating capacity to keep
pace with the city’s power re-
On the Winnipeg River, City
Hydro has two power plants: its
original plant at Pointe du Bois,
105,000 horsepower, and Slave
Falls, 96,000 horsepoWer. At its
Amy Street steam turbine plant
in Winnipeg, City Hydro last
year completed the installation
of a 15,000 kilowatt steam gen-
erator. An additional 25,000 kilo
watt unit is now being installed
and will be ready for operation
before the end of the year.
City Hydro will then have a
total generating capacity of
273,700 horsepower to fill the
needs of its customers, in their
homes, at their places of busi-
ness and for public services.
The City of Winnipeg Hydro
Electric System which is owned
and operated by the City of Win-
nipeg also operates the city’s
street lighting syste'm and a
central steam heating system,
serving commercial buildings in
donwtown Winnipeg.
Over the years, City Hydro
has made a total investment in
property and plant of 745,000,-
000. In 1953, the net surpuls was
8716,000. Winnipeg is favoured
with very low electric rates, the
average being less than one cent
per kilowatt hour. As a result of
the low electric rates, more than
seven out of every ten Winni-
peg homes use electric ranges
and eleGtric water heaters, and
the average annual consumtion
of electricity per domestic cus-
tomer now exceeds 7000 kilo-
watt hours.
sameiginlegra erfða
á íslendingadeginum
á Gimli, 2. ágúst 1954
Tilvalið og tilbútð
ÁRBORG—Steve Eyjólfsson, Manager, Sími 76
GIMLI—A. S. Washburn, Manager
Tvö mannslát
í Eyjafirði
Tveir mætir Eyfirðingar lét-
ust í gær.
Annar þeirra er Elín Ara-
dóttir húsfreyja að Jódísarstöð-
um, ekkja Kristjáns Jóhannes-
sonar bónda og austanpósts en
bæði voru þau héraðskunn,
myndar- og höfðingsfólk hið
mesta. Frú Elín var 87 ára göm-
ul. Hún var dóttir Ara Jónsson-
ar leikritaskálds, en eftir hann
er m. a. „Sigríður Eyjafjarða-
í gær varð Filippus Þorvalds-
son, kaupfélagsstjóri í Hrísey,
bráðkvaddur. Hann var aðeins
47 ára að aldri, mætur maður og
— VISIR, 19. júní
City Hydro extends best wishes to the Icelandic Community of Winnipeg
on the occasion of its Annual Celebration.
Harnessing the
Above is a view of the sluice gates at City Hydro’s
Slave Falls power development.
It is at Slave Falls and at Pointe du Bois on the
Winnipeg River that City Hydro generates power to
provide dependable, low-cost electric service for the
people of Winnipeg.
When you need electric service anywhere in Win-
nipeg — for home, office, store or factory — phone
96-8231, or write
Offices: 55 Princess Streef, Winnipeg
Your First Stop ... THE BAY
Here, you’il find shopping con be o pleasant experience.
You'll enjoy the comfort of our well-kept, spocious store
where a big happy family of employees is reody to serve
you courteously and efficiently. We feature large as-
sortments and wide selections . . . items for you, your
fomily, your home . . . at prices you want to pay.
Ijjntiíon'jíTðag (Eotnpang.