Lögberg - 30.07.1959, Page 10

Lögberg - 30.07.1959, Page 10
10 LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 30. JÚLÍ 1959 RAFN SIGURÐSSON, skipstjóri: ísgæzlan á Morður-Aflantshafi Lauslega þýtt úr NAUTICAL MAGAZINE Hinar hvítu ófreskjur hafs- ast í hinum frosna heimi norð- ins, stóru ísfjöllin, sem mynd- ursins, hafa alltaf gert sigling- HAMINGJUÓSKIR . . . CRESCENT CREAMERY LTD. Crescent mjólkurafurðir eru gerilsneyddar Mjólkin, Rjóminn og Smjörið SUnset 3-7101 542 SHERBURN ST. WINNIPEG CONGRATULATIONS . . . to the lcelandic People on the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of their Annual Celebration Day at Gimli, Manitoba, August 3rd, 1959 S. E. GAGE COMPANY LTD. ASBESTOS-CEMENT BUILDING PRODUCTS SPruce 4-5431 1069 Notre Dame Ave. WINNIPEG CONGRATULATIONS . . . to the lcelandic People of the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of their Annual Celebration Day at Gimli, August 3rd, 1959. town or SELIilllli "CANADA SALUTES YOU" Canada has been privileged to have so many lcelandic pioneers choose this country as their native land. Manitoba Pool Elevators takes pleas- ure in extending greetings to the people of lcelandic origin now taking part in the 70th Anniversary of the lcelandic Celebration Day. Manitoba Pool Elevators ar um norðanvert Atlantshaf áhættusamar. Áður fyrr varð mörg fleytan þeim að bráð, en nú hefur tekizt að gera slysahættuna af þeirra völdum hverfandi. Þetta er að þakka hinu hvíldarlausa gæzlustarfi hins alþjóða „íseftirlits.“ Kostnað- inum er skipt á milli hinna ýmsu þjóða, sem sigla á þess- um slóðum, en sjálft eftirlitið er framkvæmt af strandgæzlu flota Bandaríkjanna. Starf þessara skipa er að fylgjast með og tilkynna allar hreyf- ingar allra ísjaka, sem rekið hafa suður á skipaleiðir Norð- ur-Atlantshafsins. Þetta mikla starf hefur verið framkvæmt af mikilli nákvæmni og sam- vizkusemi. Áður en þessi alþjóða ís- Compliments of . . . BOBERG and PRUDEN 415 MAIN STREET ❖ WAR SURPLUS MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ❖ 415 Main St. SELKIRK MÁNITOBA Phone 3216 With Compliments of . . . S.O.S. DEPT. STORE ★ Shoe Fitting is our Specialty ★ IKE TENENHOUSE MANITOBA AVE. SELKIRK MAN. Compliments of . . . LAKELAND DAIRIES LTD. Selkirk Manitoba ★ S K Y R Available . . . Winnipeg: Hordy's I.G.A. 591 Sargent Ave. Swan River: Central Meat Mkt. Gimli: (rom Lakeland Dairies driver Gillies Food Service 1114 Portage Ave. Compliments of . . . PRUDENS THE HOUSE OF BEAUTY Cold Waves a Specialty Phone 4524 373 MAIN STREET SELKIRK, MAN. With Compliments of . . . BALCAEN & SONS 0 Plumbing ond Heoting 0 Sheet Metal Work 0 24-Hour Oil Burner Service JOE BALCAEN, Proprietor Manitoba Ave. PHONE 3771 y Selkirk, Man. COMPLIMENTS OF . . . JOHNSTONE MOTORS LTD. "IN THE HEART OF GIMLI" Centre and Second - Phone 23 ROLLY GILLIES, Proprietor GIMLI, MANITOBA COMPLIMENTS OF . . . Kardy's Hardware & Painfrs PHONE 56 - P.O. BOX 32 GIMLI MANITOBA RUDD'S TOM-BOY STORE GIMLI'S FOOD CENTRE WHERE QUALITY AND SATISFACTION ARE GUARANTEED COMPLIMENTS OF . . . TIP TOP MEATS & FROZEN FOODS MEATS — VEGETABLES — GROCERIES PHONE 101 GIMLI, MAN. COMPLIMENTS OF . . . y .. ■ \ \ ■ EMIL'S Barber Shop 80 CENTRE ST. GIMLI, MAN. COMPLIMENTS OF . . . DEMPSEY'S BARBER SHOP CENTRE ST. GIMLI, MAN. Winnipeg



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