Tölvumál - 01.01.1986, Qupperneq 20

Tölvumál - 01.01.1986, Qupperneq 20
Heimildir: DEFLEUR, Melvin og SANDRA BALL-ROKEACH (1981), Theorier of Mass Communication, fjðrða utgáfa. Longman, New York. DRAMBO, Leif (1985), Infotopia. Visioner och vagval i informationssamhallet. Liber förlag, Stokkhðlmi. DURKHEIM, Émile (1965), The Division of Labor in Society. The Free Press, New York. FAIRBAIRN, David (1984), "Managing the process of change". 1 SIEGHART, Paul (ritstj.) Microchips with everything. The consequences of information technology. Comedia Publishing Group, London. GERSHUNY, Jonathan (1984), "Growth, technology and the informal economy". 1 SIEGHART, Paul (ritstj.) Microships with everything. The consequences of information technology. Comedia Publishing Group, London. GREENFIELD, Patricia Marks (1984), Mind and Media. The effects of television, computers and video games. Fontana Paperoacks. HOLST, Gull-May och Bengt-Arne VEDIN (1985) , "Expertsystem och moral". Nordisk datanytt nr. 13, 30. september 1985 15. aargang. HOOD, Stuart (1984) "The politics of information power". 1 SIEGHART, Paul (ritstj.) Microships with everything. The consequences of information technology. Comedia Publishing Group, London. KRISTIANSEN, Tove (1985), Teleundervisning - om fjernundervisning i ei nær framtid. Televerkets forskningsinstitutt. Rapport nr. 7/85 (stencil). LEENÉER-AXELSON, Barbro (1985), Familjeliv paa 1980-talet - om karnfamiljen och andra familjeformer. Fyrirlestur á Norrænu barnaverndarráðstefnunni, Helsingfors 14-16 ágúst. framh. á bls 22 20



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