Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 11.09.1998, Blaðsíða 17

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 11.09.1998, Blaðsíða 17
þriðjudagur 15. september 1998 Skjáleikurinn. Lei&arljós (Guiding Light). Fréttir. Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. Táknmálstréttir. Bambusbirnirnir (51:52). Teiknimyndaflokkur. Gæsahúö (4:26) (Goosebumps). Bandarískur myndaflokkur. Loftleiöin (31:32) (The Big Sky). Ástralskur myndaflokkur um flugmenn sem lenda í ýms- um ævintýrum og háska við störf sfn. Fréttir og veöur. Bankastjórinn (5:6) (The Boss). Bresk gamanþáttaröð um bankastjóra sem enginn s kilur hvernig komist hefur til metorða. Aðalhlutverk: Jim Broadbent, Daniel Flynn og Claire Skinner. 21.05 Viö erum ekki ein (1:2). Horft til himins (We Are Not Alone). Bresk heimildarmynd í tveimur hlutum um kynni fólks um víða veröld af geimver- um og fljúgandi furðuhlutum. 22.00 Sérsveitin (1:8) (Thieftakers III). Ný bresk þáttaröð um harðsnúna sérsveit lögreglumanna í London sem hefur það hlutverk að elta uppi hættulega afbrotamenn. 23.00 Ellefufréttir. 23.15 Skjáleikurinn. Flugmennirnir í Loftleiöum standa alltaf fyrir sínu. Dead Sea Apple (e). Upptökur frá tónleikum Dead Sea Apple I Borgarleikhúsinu i nóvember 1996. Elskan, ég minnka&i börnin (10:22) (e) (Honey I Shrunk the Kids). Handlaginn heimilisfaöir (12:25) (e) (Home Improvement). A& hætti Sigga Hall (3:12) (e). Rýnirinn (6:23) (e) ( Spegill, spegill. Bangsfmon. Kolli kátl. Glæstar vonir (Bold and the Beautiful). Lfnurnar f lag (e). Sjónvarpsmarka&urinn. Fréttir. Nágrannar. Simpson-fjölskyldan. 19>20. 20.05 Grand-hótel (8:8) (The Grand). 21.00 Hver lífsins þraut (1:8). í þessum nýju þáttum verður fjallað um tengsl erfða og sjúkdóma. 21.40 Handlaginn heimilisfaðir (13:25) (Home Improvement). 22.05 Daewoo-mótorsport. 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 *** Æöri menntun (e) (Higher Learning). Raunsæ bíó- mynd um lífiö f bandarískum háskóla. Mikill órói kraumar undir niðri og stutt er í að upp á yfirborðið brjótist átök milli kynþátta. Aðalhlutverk: Laurence Fishburne, Kristy Swanson og Omar Epps. Leikstjóri: John Singleton. 1995. Bönnuð bömum. 00.55 Dagskrárlok. Simpson-fjölskyld-18 00 an skemmtir aödá-18.05 endum sínum. 18.30 19.00 Skjáleikur í Ijósaskiptunum (25:29) (Twilight Zone). Dýrlingurinn (The Saint). Bresk- ur myndaflokkur um Simon Templar og ævintýri hans. Ensku mörkin. Sjónvarpsmarka&urinn. Ofurhugar. Kjarkmiklir fþrótta- kappar sem bregða sér á skiðabretti, sjóskfði, sjóbretti og margt fleira. NBA Kvennakarfan. Brellumeistarinn (9:22) (F/X). Þegar brellumeistarinn Roliie Tyler og löggan Leo McCarthy I eggjast á eitt mega bófarnir vara sig. Þeir félagar eiga í höggi við glæpamenn af ýmsum toga þar sem sérfræðiþekking þeirra kem- ur að góðum notum. *** I sömu mynt (Murphy's War). Breskt flutningaskip verð- ur fyrir tundurskeyti frá þýskum kafbáti undan ströndum Venesúela á síöustu dögum seinni heimsstyrjaldarinnar. Murphy skipstjóri kemst einn lífs af og leitar skjóls á eyju í Kyrrahafinu. Þar áformar hann aö koma fram hefndum gegn áhöfn kafbátsins en það reynist þrautin þyngri. Leik- stjóri: Peter Yates. Aðalhlutverk: Peter O’Toole, Sian Phillipps, Horst Janson og Philippe Noiret.1971. Bönnuð börnum. 22.45 Strandblak (Beach World Tour 1998). 23.15 Ráögátur (X-Files). 00.00 I Ijósaskiptunum (25:29) (e) (Twilight Zone). 00.25 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. Mulder og Scully mæta enn á ný. \i/ 'O BABNARÁSIN 16.00 Skólinn minn er skemmtilegur & Ég og dýriö mitt. 17.00 Allir í leik. 17.15 Dýrin vaxa. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútímalíf Rikka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir i dag! Allt efni talsett eöa meö íslenskum texta. Hallmark 5.45 A Day in the Summer 7.30 The Lady from Yesterday 9.05 Bamum 10.35 Twilight of the Golds 12.05 Lady lce 13.40 They Still Call Me Bruce 15.10 The Contract 17.00 True Women 18.30 Sunchild 20.05 Nightscream 21.35 Harry’s Game 23.50 Twilight of the Golds 1.20 They Still Call Me Bruce 2.50 The Contract 4.35 True Women VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 8.30 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: George Clinton 12.00 Mills’n’tunes 13.00 Jukebox 14.00 Toyah & Chase 16.00 five a five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 The Clare Grogan Show 18.00 Mills ‘n’ Tunes 19.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 Neil Rnn - TRY WATCHING THIS 22.00 Jobson’s Choice 23.00 The Nightfly 0.00 Spice 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 The Great Escape 11.30 On the Horizon 12.00 Holiday Maker 12.30 Origins With Burt Wolf 13.00 The Ravours of France 13.30 Go Portugal 14.00 Reel World 14.30 The People and Places of Africa 15.00 Go 2 15.30 Royd on Spain 16.00 Wild Ireland 16.30 Sports Safaris 17.00 Origins With Burt Wolf 17.30 On Tour 18.00 The Great Escape 18.30 On the Horizon 19.00 Travel Live 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Going Places 21.00 Go Portugal 21.30 Floyd on Spain 22.00 On Tour 22.30 Sports Safaris 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Olympic Games: Olympic Magazine 7.00 Triathlon: ITU World Champinships in Lausanne, Switzerland 8.00 Touring Car: German Super Touring Championship (STW) in Oschersleben 9.00 Xtrem Sports: ‘98 X Games in San Diego, Califomia, USA 10.00 Football: Eurogoals 11.30 All Sports: Playlife 12.00 Triathlon: European Cup 13.00 Cyding: Tour of Spain 15.00 Football: Eurogoals 16.30 Four Wheels Drive: Formula 4x4 Off Road in Akureyri, lceland 17.00 Xtrem Sports: ‘98 X Games in San Diego, Califomia, USA 18.00 Strongest Man: World’s Strongest Man 1992 19.00 Football: UEFA Cup 21.00 Football: UEFACup 23.00 Motocross: World Championship in Megalopolis, Greece 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter’s Laboratory 7.00 Cow and Chicken 7.15SylvesterandTweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 8.00 CaveKids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15ThomastheTank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi’s Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Scooby Doo 15.00 Beetlejuice 15.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Flintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 2200 The Rintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It’s the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 200 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Walk the Talk: Race for the Pitch 4.30 How Do You Manage: The Clever Stuff 5.00 BBC World News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 Monster Cafe 5.45 Activ8 6.10 The Demon Headmaster 6.50 Style Challenge 7.15 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 7.40 Kilroy 8.30 EastEnders 9.00 The Onedin Line 9.50 Change That 10.15 Style Challenge 10.45 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 11.10 Kilroy 12.00 Fat Man in France 12.30 EastEnders 13.00 The Onedin Line 13.50 Prime Weather 13.55 Change That 14.25 Monster Cafe 14.40 Activ8 15.05 The Demon Headmaster 15.30 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 16.00 BBC World News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 EastEnders 17.30 Auction 18.00 Chef 18.30 One Foot in the Grave 19.00 Out of the Blue 20.00 BBC World News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Trouble at the Top 21.30 All Our Children 2200 Casualty 22.50 Prime Weather 23.00 Linkage Mechanisms 23.30 Raising Arms Against Air Pollution 0.00 Given Enough Rope 0.30 Plastics Under Pressure I.OOSpecial Needs: Signed Landmarks 3.00 Greek Language and People 3.30 Italy Means Business Dlscovery 7.00RexHunt’sRshingAdventures 7.30 Driving Passions 8.00 Rightline 8.30 Treasure Hunters 9.00 Discover Magazine 10.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Adventures 10.30 Driving Passions 11.00 Flightline 11.30 Treasure Hunters 1200 Zoo Story 1230 Untamed Africa 13.30 Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious World 14.00 Discover Magazine 15.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Adventures 15.30 Driving Passions 16.00 Flightline 16.30 Treasure Hunters 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Untamed Africa 18.30 Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious Worid 19.00 Discover Magazine 20.00 Hitler’s Henchmen 21.00 Ghosts of Africa 2200 Mille Miglia - Driving Passions Speöal 23.00 Ftightline 23.30 Driving Passions 0.00 Ghosts of Africa 1.00Close MTV 4.00 Kickstarl 7.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 US Top 1017.00 So 90’s 18.00 Top Selectlon 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 2200 Altemative Nation 0.00 The Grind 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 9.30 ABC Nightline 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY World News 11.00 SKY News Today 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY World News 16.00 Live at Rve 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY World News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC World News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 230 SKY World News 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC World News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Moneyline 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 World Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Showbiz Today 8.00 Larry King 9.00 World News 9.30 World Sport 10.00 World News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 World Report - ’As They See It’ 11.00 World News 11.30 Digital Jam 12.00 World News 1215 Asian Edition 1230 Business Asia 13.00 World News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 World News 14.30 Wortd Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Worid Beat 16.00 Larry King Live Replay 17.00 World News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 World News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Q & A 20.00 Worid News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update / Worid Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 2200 CNN Worid View 2230 Ktoneyline Newshour 23.30 Showbiz Today 0.00 Worid News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Q & A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 Worid News 230 Showbiz Today 3.00 World News 3.15 American Edition Natlonal Geographlc 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 Antarctic Wildlife Adventure 11.00 Jerusalem: Within These Walls 1200 Orphans in Paradise: Episode One 13.00 Natural Bom Killers: Black Widow 13.30 Natural Bom Killers: Give Sharks a Chance 14.00 The Greatest Right 15.00 Caribbean Cool 16.00 Antarctic Wildlife Adventure 17.00 Jerusalem: Within These Walls 18.00 Orphans in Paradise: Episode Two 19.00 Ocean Drifters 20.00 Tribal Warriors: Seaets of the Lost Red Paint People 21.00 Pompeii 2200 The Mexicans: Through Their Eyes 23.00 Mountains of Rre 0.00 Orphans in Paradise: Episode Two 1.00 Öcean Drifters 200 Tribal Warriors: Secrets of the Lost Red Paint People 3.00 Pompeii TNT 4.00 Conspirator 5.30 Atlantis • The Lost Continent 7.15 Broadway Melody of 1940 9.00 The Courage of Lassie 10.45 Gaslight 12.45 The Karate Killers 14.30 Lili 16.00 Lassie Come Home 18.00 The Philadelphia Story 20.00 The Maltese Faicon 2200 Mutiny on the Bounty 0.30 The Password Is Courage 2.30 Sitting Target miðvikudagur 16. september 1998 13.45 Skjáleikurinn. 16.45 Leiöarljós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Myndasafniö. Endursýndar myndir úr morgunsjónvarpinu. 18.30 Nýjasta tækni og vísindi. 19.00 Emma í Mánalundi (20:26) (Emily of New Moon). 20.00 Fréttir og veöur. 20.35 Víkingalottó. 20.40 Laus og liðug (11:22) (Suddenly Susan II). Bandarísk gaman- þáttaröð. Aöalhlutverk leikur Brooke Shields. 21.05 Sögur úr þorpinu (1:4). Skugginn (Smástadsberáttelser: Skuggan). Sænskur myndaflokk- ur. Þættirnir fjórir eru sjálfstæðar sögur og í hverjum þeirra stígur einn þorpsbúanna fram sem aðalpersóna og þarf að svara áleitnum spurningum um líf sitt. Meðal leikenda eru Eriand Josephson, Áke Lindman, Heidi Kron og Lasse Pöyst 22.05 Bráöavaktin (19:22) (ER IV). Bandariskur myndaflokkur sem segir frá læknum og læknanemum í bráðamóttöku sjúkrahúss. Aðalhlutverk: Anthony Edwards, George Cloo- ney, Noah Wyle, Eriq La Salle, Alex Kingston, Gloria Reu- ben og Julianna Marguiles: 23.00 Ellefufréttir. 23.15 Skjáleikurinn. Brooke Shields er laus og liöug. ** Alltaf í boltanum (e) (The Big Green). Hressandi gaman- mynd frá Walt Disney sem gerist i smábænum Elma í Texas. Bær- inn má muna sinn fífil fegri og státaði meira að segja af íþrótta- hetjum hér í eina tíð. Nú eru allir iþróttavellir í niðurníðslu og krakkarnir í bænum þjást af lífs- leiða. Það breytist hins vegar þegar breska kennslukonan Anna flyst til Elma og ákveður að kenna krökkunum fótbolta. Aðal- hlutverk: Steve Guttenberg, Jay O. Sanders og Olivia D’Abo. Leikstjóri: Holly Goldberg Sloan.1995. NBA-molar. Hale og Pace í Ástralíu (e) (Hale and Pace Down Under). Ómar. Bangsímon. 17.10 Glæstar vonir (Bold and the Beautiful). 17.30 Línurnar i lag (e). 17.45 Sjónvarpsmarkaöurinn. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Nágrannar. 18.30 Prúöuleikararnir (17:22) (e) (Muppets Tonight). 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Chicago-sjúkrahúsiö (1:26) (Chicago Hope). 20.50 Ellen (8:25). 21.15 Ally McBeal (4:22). 22.00 Tildurrófur (3:6) (Absolutely Fabulous). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 íþróttir um allan heim. 23.40 Alltaf f boltanum (e) (The Big Green). 1995. .01.20 Dagskrárlok. 13.00 lsm-2 14.40 Ellen er eldhress á15 05 sínumstaö. 1600 16^25 16.50 Súper Maríó-bræöur. Skjáleikur I Ijósaskiptunum (26:29) (Twilight Zone). Gillette sportpakkinn. Meistarakeppni Evrópu (UEFAChampions League). Bein útsending frá fyrstu um- ferð riðlakeppninnar. Meistarakeppni Evrópu (UEFA Champions League). Utsending frá fyrstu umferð riðlakeppninnar. Geimfarar (11:21) (Cape). Bandarískur myndaflokkur um geimfara. Fá störf eru jafnkrefj- andi enda má ekkert út af bregða. Hætturnar eru á hverju strái og ein mistök geta reynst dýrkeypt. Líf geimfaranna er23-20 Tvifarinn íStnking Res- ** omn anr'ol incn a mv/nr 17.00 17.30 18.00 viöburöaríkt. emblance). Ljósblá mynd. Stranglega bönnuö börnum. 01.05 I Ijósaskiptunum (26:29) (e) (Twilight Zone). 01.30 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. Hallmark 6.05 Sunchild 7.40 Nightscream 9.10 Harry’s Game 11.25 Mother Knows Best 12.55 Angels 14.15 Daemon 15.25 Shepherd on the Rock 17.00 Timepiece 18.30 Whiskers 20.05 Obsessive Love 21.45 Change of Heart 23.20 Mother Knows Best 0.50 Angels 2.10 Lonesome Dove 2.55 Shepherd on the Rock 4.30 Timepiece VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 8.30 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: Jilly Johnson 12.00 Mills’n’tunes 13.00 Jukebox 14.00 Toyah & Chase 16.00 five a five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 Hit for Six 18.00 Mills ‘n’ Tunes 19.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 The VH1 Classic Chart: 1977 2Z00 Premiere: VH1 Country 23.00 The Nightfly 0.00 Soul Vibration 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 Bruce’s American Postcards 11.30 Go Greece 1Z00 Travel Live 1Z30 The Ravours of Italy 13.00 The Ravours of France 13.30 The Great Escape 14.00 Written in Stone 14.30 Ribbons of Steel 15.00 Go 2 15.30 Reel World 16.00 A Golfer’s Travels 16.30 Worldwide GukJe 17.00 The Ravours of Italy 17.30 On Tour 18.00 Bruce’s American Postcards 18.30 Go Greece 19.00 HolkJay Maker 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Whicker’s World 21.00 The Great Escape 21.30 Reel Worid 22.00 On Tour 22.30 WoridwkJe GukJe 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Football: UEFA Cup 8.00 Cyöing: Tour of Spain 9.00 Xtrem Sports: ‘98 X Games in San Diego, Califomia, USA 10.00 Motocross: Worid Championship’s Magazine 10.30 Water Skiing: Water Ski Worid Cup 11.00 Sailing: Magazine 11.30 Football: UEFA Cup 13.00 Cyöing: Tour of Spain 15.00 Motorsports: Speedworld Magazine 16.30 Football: UEFA Cup 18.00 Aerobics: European Championships in Kiev, Ukraine 19.00 Danöng: Athletic Danöng at the Paris- Bercy stadium, Franœ 21.00 Fitness: 1997 IFBB European Championships - Roubaix, France 22.00 Motorsports: Speedworld Magazine 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter’s Laboratory 7.00 Cow and Chicken 7.15 Sylvester and Tweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry KkJs 8.00 CaveKids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15ThomastheTank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi’s Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Scooby Doo 15.00 Beetlejuice 15.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Rintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Rintstorres 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It’s the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Walk the Talk: PrkJe and Privilege 4.30 How Do You Manage? 5.00 BBC World News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 Melvin and Maureen 5.45 Blue Peter 6.10 The Wild House 6.50 Style Challenge 7.15 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 7.40 Kilroy 8.30 EastEnders 9.00 All Creatures Great and Small 9.50 Prime Weather 10.00 Change That 10.25 Style Challenge 10.50 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 11.15 Kilroy 12.00 Auction 12.30 EastEnders 13.00 All Creatures Great and Small 13.55 Prime Weather 14.00 Change That 14.25 Melvin and Maureen 14.40 Blue Peter 15.05 The Wild House 15.30 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 16.00 BBC Worid News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 EastEnders 17.30 Fasten Your Seatbelt 18.00 Waiting for God 18.30 2 Point 4 Children 19.00 Drovers’ Gold 20.00 BBC Worid News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Looking for Robinson 21.30 Wogan’s Island 22.00 Signs and Wonders 23.00 Prime Weather 23.05 Insect Diversity 23.30 Plant Growth Regulators 0.00 The Regulation of Flowering 0.30 Pattems in Green 1.00 Speöal Needs: Signed Landmarks 3.00 Leaming Languages Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Adventures 7.30 Driving Passions 8.00 Rightline 8.30 Treasure Hunters 9.00 Survivors! 10.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Adventures 10.30 Driving Passions 11.00 Rightline 11.30 Treasure Hunters 1100 Zoo Story 12.30 Untamed Africa 13.30 Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious Worid 14.00 Survivors! 15.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Adventures 15.30 Driving Passions 16.00 Rightline 16.30 Treasure Hunters 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Untamed Africa 18.30 Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious World 19.00 Survivors! 20.00 Survivors! 20.30 Disaster 21.00 Wonders of Weather 21.30 Wonders of Weather 22.00 Outlaws 23.00 Rightline 23.30 Driving Passions 0.00 Ghosts of Africa 1.00Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 7.00 Non Stop Hits 10.00 European Top 2011.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 An Audience With All Saints 17.00 So 90’s 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 2100 The Lick 23.00 The Grind 23.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 9.30 ABC Nightline 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY World News 11.00 SKY News Today 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY WorkJ News 16.00 Live at Rve 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC World News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY World News 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Moneyline 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Showbiz Today 8.00 Larry King 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 World Report - ’As They See It’ 11.00 World News 11.30 Business Unusual 1100 World News 1115 Asian Edition 1130 Business Asia 13.00 World News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 World News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 World News 15.30 Style 16.00 Larry King Live Replay 17.00 Worid News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Q & A 20.00 Worid News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update / Worid Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Moneyline Newshour 23.30 Showbiz Today 0.00 World News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Q & A 1.00 Larry King Live 100 Worid News 130 Showtxz Today 3.00 Worid News 3.15 American Edrtion National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 The Mexicans: Through Their Eyes 11.00 Mountains of Rre 1100 Orphans in Paradise: Episode Two 13.00 Ocean Drifters 14.00 Tribal Warriors: Seaets of the Lost Red Paint People 15.00 Pompeii 16.00 The Mexicans: Through Their Eyes 17.00 Mountains of Rre 18.00 Orphans in Paradise: Episode Three 19.00 Ladakh: Desert Under the Skies 20.00 Diamonds 21.00 Franz Josef Land: an Arctic Seaet 22.00 Africa: Playing God with Nature 23.00 Rocket Men 0.00 Orphans in Paradise: Episode Three 1.00 Ladakh: Desert Under the Skies 100 Diamonds 3.00 Franz Josef Land: an Arctic Seaet TNT 4.00 Cairo 5.45 The Golden Arrow 7.30 Kim 9.30 The Last Time I Saw Paris 11.30 Love Me or Leave Me 13.45 The Night of the Iguana 16.00 A Day at the Races 18.00 Gigi 20.00 The Adventures of Robin Hood 2100 North by Northwest 0.30 Catlow 2.15 The Adventures of Robin Hood Animal Planet 05.00 Kratt’s Creatures 05.30 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Life 06.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid 07.00 Animal Doctor 07.30 Dogs With Dunbar 08.00 Kratt’s Creatures 08.30 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer 09.00 Human / Nature 10.00 Champions Of The Wild 10.30 Going Wild 11.00 Rediscovery Of The World 1100 Wildlife Rescue 1130 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin 13.00 Australia WikJ 13.30 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Life 14.00 Kratt’s Creatures 14.30 The Dog’s Tale 15.30 Rediscovery Of The Worid 16.30 Human / Nature 17.30 Emergency Vets 18.00 Kratt’s Creatures 18.30 Kratt’s Creatures 19.00 Woof! It’s A Dog’s Life 19.30 It’s A Vet’s Life 20.00 Profiles Of Nature 21.00 Animal Doctor 21J0 Emergency Vets 2100 Human / Nature Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer’s Guide 17.15 Masteröass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Not Found 18.30 Download 19.00 Dagskráriok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkom- um Bennys Hinns víöa um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Lif í Oröinu - Bibl- íufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandaö efni frá CBN-frétta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náö til þjóöanna (Possessing the Nations). með Pat Franös. 20.30 Llf f Oröinu - Biblíufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur meö Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víöa um heim, viötöl og vitnisburöir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekiö efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Líf I Oröinu - Biblíufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofiö Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstööinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. M/ 'O BARNARÁSIN 16.00 Úr ríki náttúrunnar. 16.30 Skippí 17.00 Róbert bangsi. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútimalif Rikka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir 1 dag! Animal Planet 05.00 Kratt’s Creatures 05.30 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Life 06.00 Rediscovery Of The Woríd 07.00 Animal Doctor 07.30 It’s A Vet’s Life 08.00 Kratt’s Creatures 08.30 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer 09.00 Human / Nature 10.00 Profiles Of Nature 11.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid 1100 Woof! It’s A Dog’s Life 12.30 It’s A Vet’s Life 13.00 Australia Wild 13.30 Jack Hanna’s Zoo Lile 14.00 Kratt’s Creatures 14.30 Champions Of The Wild 15.00 Going Wild 15.30 Rediscovery Of The World 16.30 Human / Nature 17.30 Emergency Vets 18.00 Kratt’s Creatures 18.30 Kratt’s Creatures 19.00 Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures 19.30 Wikl Rescues 20.00 Animals In Danger 20.30 WkJ Guide 21.00 Animal Doctor 21.30 Emergency Vets 22.00 Human / Nature Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer’s Guide 17.15 Masteröass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Roadtest 18.30 Gear 19.00 Dagskráriok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur meö Benny Hinn. Frá samkom- um Bennys Hinns víöa um heim, viötöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Líf í Oröinu - Bibl- íufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandaö efni frá CBN-frétta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náö til þjóöanna (Possessing the Nations). meö Pat Franas. 20.30 Lff f Oröinu - Biblíufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur meö Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns vföa um heim, viötöl og vitnisburöir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekiö efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Líf f Oröinu - Biblíufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofiö Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstöðinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. Allt efni talsett eöa meö íslenskum texta. Hringdu og fáðu pizzuna senda heim við færum þér Margaritu pizzu í kaupbæti 11. september 1998 f Ókus 17


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