Atuagagdliutit - 26.06.1980, Blaðsíða 27
Nunarput — Nunarput — Nunarput — Nunarput — Nunarput — Nunarput — Nunarput —
Nunarput — Nunarput — Nunarput
takornarianut avfse pitsak sarKumerpoic
avise ivssusoK nunavtinut tungassunik
imalik nanigtukut niomutigineKallsaoK.
tåssa takornarianut tungatitdlugo avisili-
an taigdteKartoK »Nunarput«. 72-inik ku-
perneKarpoK, angissusia 40 X 28 cm-uv-
dlune. tåussuminga angnerussumik ivssu-
nerussumigdlo atausinarmik sujornatigut
nunavtine avisiliortoKarsimavoK tåssa
Atuagagdliutit nagdliutorsiormata ukiut
100-ngordlugit 1961-ime. avise tåuna 112-i-
nik KuperneKarpoK angissusenardlune 48
X 33 cm-inik. naidneKartutdle amerdlåssu-
sé eraåisagåine nagdliutorsiornerme avise
angumagsinåungilaK. takornarianut avise
kalåtdlisut agdlausitåmut danskisutdlo
nanitauvoK 20.000-ngordlugo. åmåtaordle
åssinganik tulugtut tyskisutdlo OKauserta-
lingimk avisiliortoKarpoK åma 20.000-
ngordlugo naidtamik.
suliagssaK taima angnertutigissoK nani-
terivivta isumagisinåungingmago takorna-
rianut avise Danmarkime suliarineKarpoK,
iliorKarneKardlune Københavnime, åmig-
ssflneKardlune Bagsværdime naKiterne-
Kardlunilo Roskildime.
takornariat avisiånik agdlagtut ardla-
narput, tåunalo samumersineKarpoK
Atuagagdliutit åma inOtigssarsiutinut tu-
ngassumik nutdlersaKarfiup suleKatiging-
neratigut. nålagkersuissuvta sujuligtai-
ssuat Jonathan Motzfeldt autdlamausiv-
dlune tikitdluarKiissuteKarpoK. nunavti-
nut tungassunik agdlautigissat åsslngit-
sut kisalo indtigssarsiornermut inoKati-
gingnile pissutsinik agdlautigissat saniati-
gut avisip imarai univkåt nunavta kujatå-
nik, Kern anik Diskobugtimik, Tunumik pi-
niartoKarfingnigdlo. åmåtaordle igdloKar-
fit atausiåkåt erKartorneKarput sordlo Nu-
uk, Sisimiut Ilulissatdlo kisalo takornariat
ornigartagait, K’orKut, Narssarssuan Ka-
nunarput takornariarfigssatut issigalu-
go aitsåt taima angnertutigissumik avisi-
me sangminenarpoK. KuleKUtat sonutigi-
nardlutigdlo pisanganarput sordlo måko:
takornarian sujugdlen tåkupoK ukiut 3000
matuma sujornagut, Erik Augpalugton
nunavtalo Korsugtå, Knud Rasmussen,
nuånårnerup inua.
imarissaile åma Kulenutanut nalemut-
dlarput. agdlagdluagkamik atuagagssar-
Kigsumigdlo avisiliortoKarsimavoK nunar-
put pivdlugo, tikerånut nautsorssGssamik.
åmale nunavta nangmineK inuinut avise
iluarsartGnera torratdlatarujugssdvoK
avisilo kussnanalune. onausertai, åssit
annoncitdlo, åma atuåsavdlugit soKutigi-
nartut, OKimaeKatigigsårdluarneKarsimå-
åssiliarpagssuitdliuna Kalipautigdlit
angnermik avise pilerinartungortikåt. nu-
navtinit åssilissat Kalipautigdlit takussag-
ssat kussanarnerpåt ilagait. takornariat-
dlo avisiåne sulenatigisimavavut nunavti-
ne åssilissut pikoringnerpåt.
tainenartutut avise 72-inik KuperneKar-
poK mardloKiussauvdlune ingmingnut kå-
kineKångitsunik, tamarmile 5 krånlnaKar-
dlune. tulugtortå tyskisortålo NGngme
Atuagkane pisiagssauvoK.
Kupernerne ukunane ilångupavut takor-
nariat avisiåneåssilissat Kalipautigdlit ku-
ssanartorpagssuit ilait.
A fine magazine for visitors
Vn ampie paper about Greenland will be
or sale very soon. It is the tourist paper
Nunarput«, our land. It is 72 pages, mea-
uring 40 by 28 centimeters. In size it is on-
y surpassed by Atuagagdliutit’s jubilee is-
ue, which we published in 1961, when our
paper had its lOOth anniversary. It was
112 pages, 48 by 33 centimeters. But as far
as circulation is concerned, our jubilee is-
sue is falling far behind. There will be prin-
ted 20.000 copies of the Greenlandic-
Danish edition of the tourist paper. But
then there is a similar English-German edi-
tion of which 20.000 copies also will be
Our printing plant doesn’t have capacity
to handle such a task. Thereford the tourist
paper has been printed in Denmark, set in
Kujatåne nunaKarfiup Agdluitsup-påta erxåne
Kalåtdlit-nunåt Islanditut OnartoKarpoK. atexar-
poK UnartOK, åssimilo takunenarsinaussutut
mårKanit inersimassunitdlo nalunguarfiginenar-
taKalune. imåne iluliaKaraluartOK tatsit kfssarput.
I det sydligste Sydgrønland, ved bygden
Alluitsup-paa (Sydprøven), har Grønland i lighed
med Island varme kilder. De hedder Uunartoq,
det varme sted, og som det fremgår af billedet er
det et yndet badested for børnene og for de
voksne. Selvom der er isbjerg i vandet lige bag-
ved, så er søerne varme.
In the southermost part of Southern Greenland,
at the settlement of Alluitsup-paa (Sydprøven),
Greenland has hot springs similar to those found
in Iceland. They are called Uunartoq, the warm
place, and as the picture shows, they are favou-
red places for bathing both for children and
adults. Even though there are icebergs in the sea
riaht behind. the lakes are nice and warm.
Copenhagen, mounted in Bagsværd and
printed in Roskilde.
A number of contributors have written
the tourist paper, which is published in col-
laboration between Atuagagdliutit and the
home rule government’s department of tra-
de, industry and employment. The paper
opens with a welcome from the chairman of
the cabinet, Jonathan Motzfeldt. In additi-
on to articles about Greenland in general,
different occupations and a number of in-
stitutions, the paper has also descriptions
of areas in Southern Greenland, central
Greenland, the Disco region, the east coast
and hunters’ districts, that are of special
interest to tourists. There are also articles
about individuel cities, such as Nuuk, Sisi-
miut and Ilulissat as well as number of pla-
ces frequented by tourists, such as Qorqut,
Narssarssuaq and Kangerdluarssoruseq —
It is the first time Greenland has been
subjected to such a thorough description
as a tourist region in a paper. The paper is
rich in exciting and promising headlines,
such as: The first newpaper was published
3000 years ago, Erik the Red and the green
Greenland, Knud Rasmussen brought joy
and happiness to all.
The content corresponds to the hea-
dings. It has become a well-written paper
about Greenland, intended for visitors,
that is well worth reading. But it is also en-
tertaining and instructive reading for tho-
se who live in Greenland.
However, it is first and foremost the ma-
ny color pictures that make the paper de-
sirable. Color photographs from Greenland
are some of the most magnificent things
one can lay eyes on. And the tourist paper
has made use of the best photographers
that are to be found in Greenland.
As started earlier, the paper is 72 pages,
it is in two sections which are not stapled
together. The price is only 5 kroner.
On these pages we bring some of the tou-
rist paper’s many beautiful color pictures.
The English edition of the new tourist
paper about Greenland can be bought in
the bookstore, Atuagkat, in Nuuk during
the time the Inuit Circumpolar Conference
is being held here.
Kalåtdlit-nunåne igdloKarfft angnerit pingajuat, Ilulissat, 3000 sivnilårdlugit inulik. af de byer, der stod uden for den danske stats udviklingsprogrammer. I dag er det
igdloKarfik AvangnånTpoK K'eKertarssup timåne 60-ikutdlo tikivigdlugit igdlOKar- en af Grønlands rigeste byer med et stort rejefiskeri.
fingnut ilauvdlune Kavdlunåt nålagauvfiata piorsainerup avatånititånut uvdlume ||u|(ssat, the third-largest city in Greenland with a little over 3000 inhabitants. The
Kalåtdlit-nunåne .gdloKarfit pisunerpåt ilagilerpåt, kmgugpangn.arf.gssuvdlune city is ,ocated in northern Greenland at Disko Bay, and right up to the beginning of
the sixties it was one of the towns which fell outside the Danish government’s de-
Grønlands trediestørste by, Ilulissat, med lidt over 3000 indbyggere. Byen ligger i velopment programs. Today it is one of the richest cities in Greenland with sub-
Nordgrønland ved Disko Bugten og helt frem til begyndelsen af 60'erne var det en stantial shrimp fisheries.