

Atuagagdliutit - 26.06.1980, Blaðsíða 31

Atuagagdliutit - 26.06.1980, Blaðsíða 31
Inuit Circumpolar Conference/lnuit Issittormiut Ataatsimeersuarnerat AG The Greenlandic delegation/ Kalåtdlit autdlartitait No inuit from Siberia Grethe Ladegaard — ilfniartOK, ICC 1980- ime Arnat PeKatigit Kåtuvfiat sivnlsavå. Grethe Ladegaard — Student, repre- sents the Greenlandic Women's associa- tions at ICC 1980. Kristian Poulsen (Pablo) Sulissartut Par- tiånut sujuligtaissoK. ICC 1977-ime pexa- taussoK. Kristian Poulsen (Pablo) — Leader of the workers' party, Sulissartut Partiat. Parti- cipated in ICC in 1977. Hans Pavia Rosing nangminerssorneruv- dlutik OKartugssane atorfilik 1977-ime pe- KatauvoK månalo atautsimérssuarnerup pilerssårusiorneKarnerane komitime suju- ligtaissuvdlune. Hans-Pavia Rosing — Chief of the home rule administrations information bureau. Participated in ICC in 1977 and is now chairman of the Planning Committee for ICC 1980. AngmalortOK Olsen pigingnexatigigfing- mik Sipinermik sujulerssuissoK, inutig- ssarsiutinik sujuarsainiarnerme rådip su- juligtaissua. Angmalortoq Olsen — Director of the co- operative company, Sipineq, in Sisimiut, and former chairman of the committee for expansion of occupational opportuni- ties in Greenland. Lars Chemnitz 1971-79-imut landsrådime sujuligtaissoK, Atåssutip sujuligtaissua ICC-ivdlo pilerssårusiornermut komitiane ilaussortaK Jørgen Hertling sivnerdlugo. Lars Chemnitz — From 1971 to '79 chair- man of the Greenlandic Council, leader of Atåssut and member of ICC's Plan- ning Committee in place of Jørgen Hert- ling. ArKaluk Lynge — ikiuissarnerme sujuner- sorte avTsiliortordlo Inuit AtaKatigit aut- dlarnTssuisa ilåt månalo atautsimitune svinissuat. Arqaluk Lynge — Social worker and re- porter, member of the leadership of Inuit Ataqatigiit, which he represents on the delegation. Henriette Rasmussen — IliniartitsissoK a- vTsiliortOK, ICC 1977-ime peKatauvoK ICC 1980-imilo Kalåtdlit-nunåne avisiliortut peKatigigfiat sivnisavå. Henriette Rasmussen — Teacher and re- porter, participated in ICC in 1977 and re- presents the Greenlandic press associati- on at ICC 1980. OdåK Olsen SIK-imut sujuligtaissusima- ssok, ukiunilo ardlalingne landsrådime i- laussortausimassoK. OdåK Olsen — Deputy-leader of the Greenlandic workers' association, S.I.K. Was member of the Greenlandic Council for many years. Konrad Steenholdt — Atåssumit landsti- ngimut ilaussortaK, tåssungalo sivnTssoK atautsimérssuarnerme. Konrad Steenholdt — Member of the legislative assembly for Atåssut, which he represents on the delegation. Finn Lynge Siumup Europa Parlamenti- me ilaussortå. Finn Lynge — Member of the Parliament of Europe for Siumut. Carl Christian Olsen (Pujo) eskimologimik magistere 1977-ime kalåtdlit autdlartitåi- ne sujulerssuissuvoK. tåuna ICC-imik autdlarnissut ilagåt pilerssårusiornerme komitime ilaussortaussoK. Karl Kristian Olsen (Pujo) — M. A. in eskimology, chairman of the Greenlandic ICC delegation in 1977, one of the driving forces behind ICC and member of both the Interim Committee and the Planning Committee. There will be no delegation from the Soviet inuit in the north- eastern part of Siberia at the ICC conference in Nuuk. The Soviet embassy in Denmark says that this primarily is because there hasn’t been time to arrange such a journey by a delegation. But an- other reason is that no official in- vitation has been received. Ambassador Jegorytjev’s pri- vate secretary, Vladimir Svedow, States to AG: — Jonathan Motz- feldt gave an orientation during a meeting with the Soviet ambassa- dor in April about the coming ICC conference in Greenland, and about the possibility that Soviet inuit could participate. The idea was received with much interest in the Soviet Union; but our de- legation is unfortunately not able to participate this year. Practical problems — There have been some practical problems. The idea was not pre- sented to us until April, and there was too little time to arrange a journey by a delegation. — And there is a further expla- nation: As far as I know, no offici- al invitation has been sent, says Svedov. — Didn’t the ambassador get a personal invitation to lead the Soviet representatives at the ICC conference during the meeting with Jonathan Motzfeldt in April? — No, not really. It was a mee- ting at which Jonathan Motz- feldt, among other things, told about the idea behind the ICC conference. But he did not bring any official invitation. — And no official invitation has since been sent to the Soviet embassy by the ICC. -No. — If the Soviet Union receives an official invitation next time ICC puts on a conference, will there be sent an inuit delegation from the Soviet Union? — Yes, I believe so, for the idea behind the conference has, as I stated, been the object of much interest in the Soviet Union. Ludvig Berglund KNAPP-ime agdlagtu- SSOK. Ludvig Berglund — Executive secretary for the hunters and fishermen's organiza- tionKNAPP. Ole Heinrich — seminariame atuartoK, a- vlsip Siumup årxigssuissua. Ole Heinrich — Student at the teacher training college of Greenland, editor of Siumut's paper. Moses Olsen nålagkersuissuvta ilaussor- tåt folketingmut ilaussortausimassox. 1977-ime kalåtdlit autdlartitaisa sujuler- ssuissuånut tugdliuvoK månalo atautsi- mérssuarnerme nålagkersuissuvta sivnt- ssoråt. Moses Olsen — Member of the Green- landic cabinet, formerly member of parli- ament. Was vice-chairman of the Green- landic delegation to ICC in 1977. Repre- sents the government of Greenland on the delegation this year. Robert Petersen — eskimologimik pro- fessore, ICC-imik autdlarnissut ilåt, 1977- ime KinigaussoK interrim komitimut Sma resolutionkomitimut. Robert Petersen — Professor of eskimo- logy, has been one of the driving forces behind ICC right from the beginning, in 1977 he was elected to serve as member both in the Interim Committee and the Resolutions Committee. Henning Lund (ArxaluaK) — Kujatåne savautilik, kalåtdlit savautigdlit ICC 80-i- me sivnfssorisavåt. Henning Lund — Sheep rancher from Southern Greenland, represents the Greenlandic sheep ranchers at ICC 1980. UvdloriånguaK Kristiansen — kommunit kåtuvfiåne sujuligtaissoK Atåssutivdlo i- laussortå Nungme kommunalbestyrelsi- me. UvdlorianguaK Kristiansen — Chairman of the association of Greenlandic munici- palities, and member of the municipal council of Nuuk. Ove Rosing, nakorsaK, ICC-ip sulinerane peKatausimassoK autdlartineranit, 1977- imilo KinigaussoK interrim komitimut. Ove Rosing Olsen — Medical doctor, has participated in the work of the ICC right from the beginning, and in 1977 he was elected to serve on the Interim Commit- tee.



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