Stjarnan - 01.01.1897, Page 33

Stjarnan - 01.01.1897, Page 33
31 LISTI yflr fallna, og gjaldþrota banka í Canada: Agricultural Bank of Upper Canada. Bank of Acadian, Nova Scotia. Bank of Canada, Montreal. Bar.k of Clifton. Bank of Livepool, Nova Scoti. Bank of Prince Edward Island. Bank of London. Bank of Upper Canada. Central Bank of Canada, Toronto. Central Bank of N. B. Fredrickton, N B City Bank of Montreal. Colonial Bank of Canada, Toronto. Commereial Bank of New Brunawick. Commercial Bank of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Consolidated Bank of Montreal. Exchange Bank of Canada, Montreal. Farmers Bank of i-iustico, P. E. 1. Farmers Bank, Toronto, Ont. Federal Bank of Canada. International Bank of Canada, Toronto. Maritime Bank, St. John, N. B. Mechanícs Bank of Montreal. Mechanics Bank of St. John. Prcton Bank. Koyal Canadian Bank of Montreal. Stadacona Bank of Quebec.



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