

Ægir - 15.04.1970, Blaðsíða 10

Ægir - 15.04.1970, Blaðsíða 10
108 ÆGIR FLOW DIAGRAM FOR COMPUTER SIMULATION OF TRAWLER OPERATION DATA INPUT ■ Vessel1 general cnorocterlstics, fuel consumption rates, initlol cost, amortization scheme, operating costs. Ssippen highliner or average, declsion parometers governing shifting, dodging, and grounds fished. Environment: general parameters governing weather and catch rates. INITIALIZATION - STEAMING OUT - STEAMING HOME - ANNUAL STATISTICS - OVERALL STATISTICS" Empty hold, fill fuel tank Decide , take on ice and supplies. ground. Sample the weather, compute steaming time, subtract fuel used. | Begin Fishing. [ / Must stored ycs (cotch be token to portp Enough fuel left to continue fishing ? Is hold full yetp < m/ catch ySL \ occeptablep/ L Generate Weather / 15 if { no / worthwhile dodging necessaryp Generate o dodge time. Generate a haul time and a catch. Record the catch. Cnoose a ground and steam to it. Subtroct fuel. Calculate a lay time. Subtract fuel used. /~T. ' 5-/ laying \necessary p Subtract hold space used. Calculate a steaming time, and fuel used. Generate inport time. Determine docking costs. Determine value of catch 8 net trip costs. Determine trip profit and print statistics. Determme and print out annual operating Statistics. n <Hos one \_j year elopsed'?/ Has enough time elapsed for simulation Compute and print out overall vessel statistics. -< Mynd 1.



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