Árbók Háskóla Íslands


Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 02.01.1952, Qupperneq 17

Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 02.01.1952, Qupperneq 17
15 1949 Pétur Magnússon læknir. Dánarminning. Morgunblaðið 11. nóv. 1951 Potassium and Pepsin Concentration in Human Gastric Juice dur- ing Insulin Hypoglycemia. Acta Medica Scandinavica, Suppl. 259. Um mænusótt. Samtíð og saga V, bls. 93—111. Snorri Hallgrímsson prófessor 1951. 1938 Three Cases of Fracture of the Sacrum. Acta Orthopaedica Scan- dinavica IX, bls. 100—114. Um „riðuveiki" í íslenzku sauðfé. Læknablaðið, 24, bls. 81—91. 1939 Pes Cavus, seine Behandlung und einige Bemerkungen úber seine Átiologie. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica X, bls. 73—118. 1941 A Case of Pseudospondylolisthesis with Affection of Spinal Roots. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica Xn, bls. 309—318. 1942 Arthrodesis of the Foot in Poliomyelitis. Acta Chirurgica Scandi- navica LXXXVn, bls. 145—153. Niels Finsen. Nordiska Gestalter. Radiobiblioteket 4, Radiotjánst, Stockholm, bls. 45—64. 1943 Studies on reconstructive and stabilizing Operations on the Skele- ton of the Foot. With special Reference to Subastragalararthrodesis in the Treatment of Foot Deformities following Infantile Paralysis. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica LXXXVin, Supplementum 78. Stock- holm. 215 bls. [Doktorsritgerð.] Ritdómur í Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, nr. 38. Studies on reconstructive and stabilizing Operations on the Skele- ton of the Foot. Læknablaðið, 29, bls. 81—90. 1946 Nokkur orð um diskus prolaps. Læknablaðið, 31, bls. 44—62.


Árbók Háskóla Íslands

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