Árdís - 01.01.1964, Blaðsíða 25

Árdís - 01.01.1964, Blaðsíða 25
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 23 complete, until by slow degrees the Perfect Image is attained. Then he compresses the formula into a sentence: Reflect the character of Christ and you will become like Christ. Paul’s formula for perfection was based upon his own personal experience, his encounter with Christ on the Damascus road, an encounter which transformed him. The “impressed forces” did their vital work. He became like Him whom he habitually loved, that is to say, he became a Christian. The first disciples of Christ became Christians in a less spectacular way. A few raw, unspiritual, unin- spiring men were admitted to the inner circle of His friendship. The change began at once, and slowly they became more like Jesus. They were different men, and one day found themselves like their Master, going about and doing good. Drummond shows how Christ influenced his contemporaries in the following quotation: “There is something almost melting in the way His contem- poraries, and John especially, speak of the Influence of Christ. John lived himself in daily wonder at Him; he was overpowered, overawed, entranced, transfigured. To his mind it was impossible for anyone to come under this influence and ever be the same again. ‘Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not,’ he said, It was in- conceivable that he could sin, as inconceivable as that ice should live in a burning sun, or darkness coexist with noon. If anyone did sin, it was to John the simple proof that he could never have met Christ. ‘Whosoever sinneth,’ he exclaims, ‘hath not seen Him. neither known Him.’ Sin was abashed in this Presence. Its roots withered. Its sway and victory were forever at an end.” The author then goes on to show how modern men today can make Christ, the absent Christ, their most constant companion. This relationship can be established through Friendship, which is a spiritual thing, independent of Matter, Space or Time. Our com- panionship with Him, like all true companionship, is a spiritual communion. It was after He was risen that He influenced even the disciples most. Hence in reflecting the character of Christ it is no real obstacle that we have never been in visible contact with Him. Christ Himself proposed the relation of Friendship when he said: “If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you.” He also revealed the test of Friendship when He said: “He that keepeth My com-
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