Árdís - 01.01.1966, Blaðsíða 14

Árdís - 01.01.1966, Blaðsíða 14
12 ÁRDIS 3. Still again there is God’s special presence in His plan for us. The prophet speaks of God secretly planning for His people. His plan always takes into account our deficiencies and weaknesses. God foresees all contingencies and forestalls all difficulties, if we heed the guidance of His spirit. See how God dealt with Moses when that great man had to go and plead the Hebrew’s cause before Pharaoh. “But I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12). When God makes a plan, we need not fear the hardest work; when God points out the path, we need not fear the longest road; when God comes with pain, we need not fear the greatest agony. When I speak of God’s special presence I mean the presence of the Tribune God. There is no other God. You cannot know God the Father without first accepting Jesus Christ, His Son, as your personal Saviour and Lord. You cannot accept Him as such without the Holy Spirit. He calls and enlightens us. He convicts us of sin and leads us to the Saviour. He cleanses and revives us. He sancti- íies and glorifies us. He commences the good work in us, continues it, and finally completes it. The promise made by the Lord to His great servant, Moses: “My presence will go with you,” was a general promise but applies to God’s people in every age and clime. Let us now direct our attention to the particular promise made by Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, to His disciples: “Lo, I am with you always.” It also applies to believers in every age and clime, and embodies within itself all specific promises made by the Son of God to all his people. In Matthew 28:16, we read: “The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.” Jesus had made an appointment with the disciples to meet them. Here the Great Commission was given, followed by the words of our text: “Lo, I am with you always.” On His way to the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ told His disciples that He would be crucified, but that He would rise from the dead within three days, and He made a definite appointment to meet them in Galilee. “I will go before you to Galilee.” (Mark. 14:28). The angel who talked with the women at the tomb the morning of the Resurrection gave them a definite message, and
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