Árdís - 01.01.1966, Blaðsíða 76

Árdís - 01.01.1966, Blaðsíða 76
74 ÁRDIS the town of Arborg. Three years later they moved to a farm a few miles north of the town and resided there the rest of their lives. Andrea was an enthusiastic capablé woman, who never saved her strength in promoting any project in which she was interested. Being a farmer’s wife was to her a worthy calling. Wholeheartedly she entered into different activities connected with that group. For some years the was prominent in United Farmers movement of Manitoba, which later was known as Federation of Agriculture and Cooperation. She became the president of the Women’s section of that organization and held that office for six years. She was also very active in many community affairs. But probably her work in connection with the Arborg Memorial Hospital had the deepest significance. — When it became known that the Red Cross would render assistance in building a hospital in the municipality of Bifrost the first step was to choose the site. Andrea worked hard to have Arborg chosen as it was a control spot of the Municipality. The initial building was built by the Red Cross along with contributions from local people. Later an additional building was added, paid for by the members of the community. There Andrea with some others took leadership and spared no effort in having that addition finished and furnished properly. She was the first president of the Hospital Board, and held that office for thirteen years (1947—1961) when owing to broken health she had to resign. As we think of Andrea’s manifold activities we remember that these were made possible by the understanding cooperation of her husband, who was always ready to lend a helping hand and share her interests. Also we do think of her daughter Sigrun, who so willingly took over some household duties to make her work out- side the home possible and who showed such loyal devotion to the end. Andrea was an invalid during the four years of her life. It may have entered the minds of her loved ones during those long years that outside the family circle she was a forgotten person. So often the sower is forgotten by those who reap the harvest. But as long as suffering is relieved and the sick healed in Arborg Memorial Hospital her work will be appreciated even if such
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