Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.2001, Page 191
Aðröddunartími í íslensku 189
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^oice Onset Time in Icelandic’
^uywords: phonetics, acoustic phonetics, voice onset time, aspiration, stops
Th- Paper reports measurements of Voice Onset Time in Icelandic CV-syllables from
'v° male speakers. The average VOT for unaspirated stops is 26 ms, 88 ms for the
asPirated stops. VOTs show the commonly observed dependence on the place of art-
lculation of the stop with longer VOTs following velar stops. Shorter VOTs were
°und before [a] than other vowels, otherwise the vowel does not markedly affect the
uuration of VOTs.
J°rsen Pi„d
élugsvisindadeild Háskóla íslands
,S-101 Reykjavík, ÍSLAND