Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Side 48

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Side 48
46 ANTHONY FAULKES differ materially from the accepted text of the saga, and it is not possible to say what MS Brynjólfur used. The entry continues: Hodie Sax, Danis & Saxonibus forficen notat, modernis vero Islandis, cultrum nauticum & piscatorium majorem, quo pisces exenterare solent. [AM 856 4to, 14v]. Hinc *112 Saxe: Nomen proprium viri, qvo gaudebat Saxo noster Grammaticus, Ilis- toriæ Danicæ conditor illustris. Qvod gentile qvoq; invenitur, pro gente Saxonica; cujus plurale est Saxar. This is a paraphrase of a passage on 10r. The entry conlinues: Sic Aurvaroddas gentes suis ductibus bello aut lacessitas, aut superatas numerans, inter eas Saksar sev Saxones recenset. Haf eg a saksa og suia hæriat Ira ok engla ok ener skota frisa fraiea [856: fracca] og fleminga Deim hef ig ollom odarbr 1856: oþarfr] verit. Vide Brynulphi Svenonii conjcctaneorum in Saxonem periculo primo. The lattcr part of this entry is laken from 10v. The verse from Orvar-Odds Saga is printed in Skj. A II 302. The readings correspond most closely lo those of AM 471 4to. This MS and AM 343 4to have the lines in the same order as Conjectanea. (Other MSS have 1. 3 before 1. 2). Other MSS also insert á before suia (1. 1), and before jleminga (1. 3). AM 344 4to omits the first ok (1. 2), and AM 343 4to replaces it by á. But AM 471 corresponds exactly to the readings of Conjectanea, except that it has endr skota (1. 2), and heji for hej ig (1. 4). Other MSS have heji eg. Evidently Brynjólfur used either this MS or a copy of it. *40 Geir: Orusta heiti hillthr og Rimma, gaull og geira. This quotation is also found in AM 856 4to, 23r: Þauro [!] heiti hilldr ok rimma gaull og gera. — Cf. SnE I 562; it is found in AM 743 4to (Laufás Edda) and some otber MSS. The quotation is accompanied by the following note in both books: vel a Diva [SLR: Fuit etiam Diva] quadam bellica, Stragis arbitra quæ Geira dicitur Sæmundo in Grimnismalum, Sturlasonio in Edda. This note confirms that the entry in SLR is taken from Conjectanea. *41 Ger: Ex Grimnismaali Sæmundi: Gera og freka sadr guotamidr. AM 856 4to, 26v: Gera og freca sedr gunntamidr.19 — The Latin translations 19The variants in SLR are obviously printer’s errors; the reading in Conjec- tanea agrees with the Codex Regius, Grímnismál 19. This verse is also found in Gylfaginning ch. 38, but here the name of the poem is not mentioned, so the quotation probably derives from the Poetic Edda.
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Íslenzk tunga

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