Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Side 97

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1964, Side 97
THE SOURCES OF SPECIMEN LEXICI RUNICI 95 133 Ufamadur: Vard þinu [sic, for þeim] þad þo mikill ufarnadur sydan sem ej var 0rvænt. — This is referred, like the quotation s. v. at drepa nidur above, simply to “01. S.” It corresponds to 650:15. Only St. Perg. 4to no. 4 includes the words þad and sydan (written siþan) in this sentence. 74 Litilvœge: Lijtilsvæge mun þier þad þykia. — There is no reference to the source of this quotation, but it is taken from Rauðulfs Þáttr (662:6—7).57 Three of the quotations from this saga in SLll are lacking in DG 55: besides the one s. v. Oheppiliga above, the quotations s. vv. Mann- mugur p. 81 (Hafa þrændur . . . Haleiskum manne) and Malreid p. 80 (Þegar þad var ... þad a hond N.) are both omitted. These are almost certainly accidental omissions, as there is no reason to sup- pose that they are from a different source from the other quotations (see above pp. 35—36). Völsunga Saga and Ragnars Saga Loðbrókar. There is only one reference to each of these sagas in SLR, the first of which is referred to as “Historia Sigurdi Hafnsbana” (i. e. Fáfnisbana) in the list of sources, and as “Historia Sigurdi Jofnis bana” on p. 109. They are usually found together in the manuscripts, the oldest of which is NkS 1824 b 4to. Magnús had already made a transcript of Sigrdrífumál from Völsunga Saga in R. 702, which he had sent to Worm. The quotalion in SLR, which contains eight of these verses,58 was pro- bably copied into the glossary from his own personal copy of the verses. The source is clearly Völsunga Saga and not the poetic Edda, and the text agrees closely with that of NkS 1824 h, the only deviation heing in v. 4 villt ad (agreeing, probably fortuitously, with AM 7 fol., a copy made by Ásgeir Jónsson) for which the vellum has vilta. In the second verse, three lines are omitted. Although Magnús must at some time have had access to a MS con- 57 Quotations from this þáttr are usually specifically referred to it in SLR, and the þáttr, as well as the saga itself, is mentioned in the list of sources. 58 Pp. 108—110, s. v. Runar, from “Sigrúnar skaltu kunna ...” to “... þær of hugði (Hroptr)”; see Vplsunga saga ok Ragnars saga loðbrókar (1906—08), 49—51.
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Íslenzk tunga

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