Sameiningin - 01.03.1944, Blaðsíða 20
Be an Up-to-Date
Progressive Scliool
Provide Papers for Teachers and Pupils
A magazine issued monthly, except July and August,
for Church School workers. It is an indispensable help for
efficiency and competence in leadership and teaching. It
suggests and explains countless principles and methods
in the field of Christian Education. Progressive schools
will supply their teachers and officers with this paper.
Single copy, $1.00 a year; in clubs of five or more,
to one address, at 80 cents a year.
An eight-page paper published weekly for inter-
mediates and seniors. It is illustrated. The stories are
carefully selected and are interesting and informational.
There are puzzles, jokes, book reviews, and church news.
Truly a high-grade paper.
Single copy, 75c a year; five or more copies, to one
address, at 60 cents.
An eight-page juvenile weekly which delights the
junior and younger children. There are stories which will
entertain and also instruct chiidren of this age, and mis-
sionary stories to awaken interest in missions. The puzzles
and other entertaining features will attract them, too.
Single copy, 75 cents a year; in quantities, to one ad-
dress, at 60 cents.
The United Lutheran Publication House
Mrs Sigr Eirikson ja 4Í
Box 75