

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1961, Qupperneq 66

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1961, Qupperneq 66
94 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Frá Alþj óða-læknaf élaginu „No Consultation Day“ in Japan. On February 19, 1961 the Ja- pan Medical Association and the Japan Dcntal Association spon- sored a „No Consultation Day“ in order to direct altention of the population to the fact that in spite of a Four Point Plan submitted hy the Japan Medical Association to tlie Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry continued to ignore the needs and recom- mendations of tlie doctors of Japan. Under the Japan liealtli in- surance plan the medical fee is recognized to he the lowes in the world. For example a sur- geon receives $9.00 (USA) for a cataract operation. Hence the Japan Medical Association had requested that the Welfare Mi- nistry: Release medical care under healtli insurance restric- tions íncrease the medical fee at least 30% Decrease the annoying busi- ness routines associated with healtli insurance Simplify the medical fee syst- em hy abolishing the cur- renl dual system and pro- viding for differential fees according to area. The recent strike of liospital employees had forced the Wel- fare Ministry to recommend diet approval of an average increase of 14% for hospitals and 6% for clinics. This irrational dis- crimination hetween hospitals and clinics; failure of the lead- ers of the Liberal Democratic Party to reacli an agreement with the medical and dental association representatives in spite of tlie fact that the special committee on medical care of the Liberal Party liad endorsed the JMA’s Four Point Plan and criticism of the Japan Medical Association hy tlie Ministry of Welfare, inspired the „No Con- sultation Day“ demonstration. Doctors and dentists declined to accept consulations but pro- vided emergency care for tliose who required it and had an ade- quate medical staff at hospitals and clinics. The doctors distri- huted pamphlets and held pub- lic relations meeting and press conferences on that day in order to inform the population as to the actual status of the medical care system. The Japan Medical Associa- tion further announced a sec- M
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