

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1963, Qupperneq 58

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1963, Qupperneq 58
28 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Larusson, G. and Jonsdottir, K. E. Bacterial Meningitis. SUMMARY IN ENGLISH. The pertinent literature on Bac- terial Meningitis is reviewed briefly. The mortality rate is still high, but is coming down. Different forms of treatment are discussed. During a 6 year period (1956 to the end of 1961) 48 patients have been treated for Bact. Meningitis at the Reykjavík City Hospital. Two or more drugs have always been used. Intrathecal medication has not been used. Positive spinal cultures were obtained in only 31.9%. Two pa- tients died. One (9 months old) from Waterhouse-Friedrichen Syn- drome 3 hours after admission. The other (7 years old) did not have evidence of Bact. Meningitis in the spinal fluid until at autopsy. He died 12 hours after admission. The mortality rate is thus 4,1% for this series. Preliminary follow-up on 40 patients, reveals possible sequelae in 8, and definite mental and phy- sical retardation in 1. HEIMILDIR: 1. Bradford, W. L.,: Nelson: Text- book of Pediatrics, 7. útg. 1960, bls. 428 og 430. 2. Gunnison, J. B. o. fl.; tilvitnun hjá Welch, H. C. í Mayo Clinic Seminars: Clin. Med. 1956—57, bls. 20. 3. Javets; tilvitnun hjá Haggerty, R. J. og Ziai, M.: Pediatrics 25: 5: 742, May 1960. 4. Lepper, M. H. og Ðowling, H. F.: Arch. Int. Med. 88: 489,1951. 5. Haggerty, R. J. og Ziai, M.: Pediatrics 25:5:742, May 1960. 6. Gardborg, O. og Aas, K.: Nor- disk Medicin 67: 24: 765, June 1962. 7. Dowling, H. F. o. fl.: Am. Journ. Med. Science 217:149, 1949. 8. Weinstein, L. o. fl.: Med. Clin. N. Am. 37:1363, 1953. 9. Desnit, E. M.: Arch. Dis. Child- ren 30:415, 1955. 10. Hazlehurst, G. N.: Am. Rev. of Tbc. and Pulm. Dis. 71:12, Jan. 1955. 11. Johnson, .A. J.: New Engl. Journ. Med. 260: 893, April 1959. 12. Eigler, J. O. C. o. fl.: Proc. Staff Meet. Mayo Clinic 36: 15: 357, July 1961. 13. Quaade, F. og Kristensen, K. P.: Ugeskr. for Læger 39: 1341, Sept. 1961. 14. Iuel, J.: Ugeskr. for Læger 39: 1348, Sept. 1961. 15. Groover, R. V. o. fl.: New Engl. Journ. Med. 264: 1115, June 1961. 16. Smith, E. S.: J. Pediat. 45:425, Oct. 1954; tilvitnun hjá Eigler o. fl. Sjá ofar. 17. Detmold, J. G.: Arch. Kinderh. 151:27, 1955; tilvitnun hjá Eig- ler o. fl. Sjá ofar. Frá Borgarspítalanum, Reykjavík. Orðsending frá L. I. Að endurteknu tilefni eru læknar minntir á að gæta ýtr- ustu varfærni í öllu umtali um sjúklinga sína, jafnvel þó að samþykki þeirra liggi fyrir. 1 því sambandi vísast til Alþjóða- siðareglna lækna og Genfarheits lækna (sjá Codex ethicus), laga nr. 47/1932 og lil Læknablaðs- ins, 38. árg. 1954, bls. 97—111. Stjórn L. í.
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