

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1983, Page 4

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1983, Page 4
236 LÆKNABLADID NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI - HARALDUR TÓMASSON Haraldur Ó. Tómasson læknir á Hvamms- tanga lauk 21. júlí sl. matersprófi í heimilis- lækningum (Master of Clinical Science in Family Medicine) við University of Western Ontario í Kanada. Prófritgerð Haraldar, sem ber heitið, Tuber- culosis and Non-Steriodal Anti-flammatory Drugs, fjallaði um hugsanlegt samband milli notkunar algengra gigtarlyfja og endurvirkni berklaveiki. Studdi rannsókn Haraldar þá til- gátu, að samband væri milli notkunar þessara lyfja og berklaveiki. Fer útdráttur úr ritgerð- inni hér á eftir: This thesis was stimulated by case reports in 1980 and 1982 by Brennan where reactivation of pulmonary tuberculosis was associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). A case control study was designed to determine if the association exi- sted in a wider sample. The following hypo- theses were tested. 1. There is an association between the taking of NSAIDs and the diagnosis of tuberculo- sis in persons born before 1937. 2. The association between NSAIDs and tu- berculosis will become stronger with in- creasing duration of NSAID exposure. 3. In patients with tuberculosis there is an association betweeen NSAID exposure and a past history of tuberculosis. While ASA is a NSAID it was considered separately from the other thirteen NSAIDs available in Canada in 1982 on the basis of its historical, marketing and chemical properties. Family physicians and their charts in the office setting provided the sole source of data. Cases were identified in an anonymous way with the help of the agencies concerned with tuberculosis control and treatment and from three specialists in infectious diseases. A case was defined as a person that had been diagnosed as having active tuberculosis and put on chemotherapy between 1975-1982, born before 1937 and resident of Canada for 5 years prior to the diagnosis of TB. Controls were drawn in a paired fashion from the same practice as cases and were matched on age, sex, race and minimum time in the practice. Of 103 patients fulfilling the inclusion crite- ria, data were collected on 38 cases. The cases were found to be a specific group of patients not representative of tuberculosis patients in Ontario. The proportion of foreign born in the sample were lower, because of the exclusion criteria, thus there were no cases of Asian extraction. Cases and controls were similar with regard to occupation, long-term medication, ASA and steroid use. Cases were more likely to have supplementary information in the chart, past tuberculosis history and arthritic conditions. The association between NSAID use and tuberculosis was significant at the p<0.05 with a relative risk of 4. When only NSAIDs taken for more than one month were conside- red, the association was signficant at p = 0.008 with a relative risk between 8 and infinity. Thus a dose relationship appears to exist. It was not possible to untangle the association of arthritis, NSAIDs and tuberculosis because all long-term NSAIDs were used for arthritis. Although in all cases the arthritis predated the tuberculosis and was not considered to be tuberculosis related. Case histories of the long-term NSAID users illustrated a striking temporal relationship between NSAID treat- ment and tuberculosis. The third hypothesis was not supported by the findings. Support for a causal association was drawn from 1) the strength of the association 2) dose response 3) appropriate time relationship 4) weak epidemiolgical data and 5) a rational explanation based on the anti-inflammatory qualities of NSAIDs. The results of this pilot study thus lend weight to a causal association. It is therefore imperative that this be followed by further case-control studies in different localities and by prospective studies. Physici- ans are urged to be aware of these drugs’ potent anti-inflammatory properties and their potentially deleterious effects on infection. Family physicians because of their continui- ty of care are in an excellent position to contribute to the detection of adverse drug reactions.



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