

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1984, Síða 41

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1984, Síða 41
LÆKNABLADID 349 FEEDING AND STARVATION OF DONOR ANIMAL CAUSE RESISTANCE TO THE EFFECTS OF INSULIN AND GLUCAGON ON LIPOGENESIS, RESPECTIVELY, IN ISOLATED RAT HEPATOCYTES IN VITRO. Ó. G. Bjömsson, C. R. Pullinger, and G. F. Gibbons. MRC Lipid Metabolism Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London, U.K. We have observed that although basal rates of lipo- genesis (incubations in buffer alone) were higher in hepatocytes prepared from ratr which had received food for 6 h (188.8±9.8, SEM, n = 10, nmol 3H20 incorporated/mg protein) than from hepatocytes of starved animals (82.9 ±18.4, P<0.05), insulin stimu- lated lipogenesis to a greater extent in »starved« hepatocytes (to 230 % of control) than in »fed« hepatocytes (to 148 % of control). Also, whilst 102 pU/ml of insulin produced a significant increase (to 137 °/o, P<0.05) in cells prepared from starved rats (16 h starvation), there was no significant change in lipogenesis at that conc. of insulin in hepatocytes from fed rats (to 103% of control). Long term starvation (43 H) Iead, however, to complete lack of fatty acid synthesis with or without insulin. We have also observed that after prolonged starvation of donor rats, the inhibiting effect on fatty acid synthesis of incubation rat hepatocytes with gluca- gon became relatively less obvious (83 % inhibition in hepatocytes from fed rats, 60 % inhibition in hepatocytes from rats starved for 19 h, and only 42 % inhibition in hepatocytes from rats starved for 43 h). We suggest that the relative resistance to insulin stimulation in vitro in hepatocytes from fed rats is due to occupation and downregulation of insulin receptors in vivo during the 6 h feeding prior to the experiments, when plasma levels of insulin are high. There are therefore fewer insulin recep- tors available for insulin binding in vitro which leads to less effect during incubation. The lack of synthe- sis during incubation with insulin in hepatocytes from rats starved for 43 h was probably due to lack of substrate, as the situation was partially reversed by adding pyruvate to the incubation medium. Similarly, we explain the relatively increased resi- stance to glucagon inhibition of fatty acid synthesis during increased starvation, as due to down-regula- tion of the glucagon receptor, as plasma levels of glucagon increase during starvation. PHAGOCYTOSIS AND KILLING OF COMMON BACTERIAL PATHOGENS OF THE LUNG BY ALVEOLAR MACROPHAGES IN VITRO. Steinn Jónsson, Daniel M. Musher, Alan Chapman, Allen Goree & E. Clinton Lawrence. To investigate the factors that determine susceptibi- lity of the lungs to infection with common respirato- ry pathogens, we studied phagocytosis and killing of nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI), H. influenzae type b (HITB), Streptococcus pneumoni- ae (SP) types III, VI and XIV, an unencapsulated variant of SP type III (SP III UN), and Staphyiococ- cus aureus Cowan I (SA), using human alveotar macrophages (AM) obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage of healthy non-smokers. Radiolabeled bacte- ria, opsonized in varying concentrations of pooled normal human serum (PHS), were incubated with AM in a ratio of 20:1. Phagecytosis was measured by counting cell-associated with AM in a ratio of 20: 1. Phagocytosis was measured by counting cell- associated radioactivity and is reported as percenta- ge of total radioactivity present during incubation. Uptake of bacteria was verified by electron micro- scopy. Intracellular killing was determined by diluti- on and inoculation of blood or chocolate agar plates using appropriate controls. After opsonization with 10% PHS and incubation with AM for 20 minutes the mean uptake (±standard deviation) of NTHI (67.5 ± 15.9 %), SP type III UN (71.2 ±4.8 %) and SA (79.1 ±10.2%) was significantly greater (p<0.01) than that of HITB (40.1 + 15.0 %), and SP types III (4.4+ 3.1 %), VI (11.8 + 9.6%) or XIV (8.7±7.0%). NTHI was ingested well after opsonization with as little as 2 % PHS, whereas the same degree of uptake was never achieved for HITB despite opsonization with up to 40 % PHS. Phagocytosis of encapsulated SP was not significantly increased by the addition of as much as 80 % PHS. Intracellular killing of SP III UN and NTHI closely corresponded to the degree of phagocytosis. Uptake of HITB and the encapsulated SP were insufficient for accurate assessment of killing. Despite a high degree of uptake of SA, no intracellular killing was demon- strated. We conclude that the virulence of S. pneumoniae and H. Influenzae as lung pathogen is determined jointly by encapsulation and the inad- equate opsonizing effect of normal human serum, whereas that of S. aureus may be related to resistance to intracellular killing by AM. Froin the Medical Service (Infectious Diseases and Pulmonary Sections), Veterans Administration Medical Center, Houston, Texas 77211, and the Departments of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor Colle- ge of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030. NATRÍUM í RAUÐUM BLÓÐKORNUM, ÆTTARSAGA UM HÁÞRÝSTING OG AUKIN SALTNEYSLA Óttar Guömundsson. Lyflækningadeild og Háþrýstideild Sahlgrenska sjúkrahússins, Gautaborg. Fyrir um 20 árum uppgötvuðu Losse og samstars- menn, að natríummagn rauðra blóðfrumna var aukið hjá sjúklingum með háprýsting og sumum afkomendum þeirra. Þetta hefur síðar verið staðfest af öðrum rannsóknarhópum og sýnt fram á, að pessi aukning natríums í frumum sé vegna röskunar á útdælingu natríums frá frumunum. Reynt hefur verið að skýra próun háprýstings í Ijósi þessa. Peirri tilgátu hefur verið varpað fram, að einstaklingar



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