

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1984, Side 60

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1984, Side 60
362 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ EFFECTS OF INSULIN, GLUCAGON AND SOMATOSTATIN ON HEPATIC LIPID METABOLISM IN VITRO. Ó. G. Bjömsson, C. R. Pullinger, and G. F. Gibbons. MRC Metabolism Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London, U.K. There are contradictory reports on the direct effects of insulin and glucagon on hepatic cholesterol metabolism (J. Biol. Chem 254: 6644-49, 1979). Direct effect of another pancreatic hormone, soma- tostatin, has not yet been investigated. In order to assess the in vitro effects of these polypeptideson hepatic lipid metabolisme incubated rat hepatocytes in Krebs- Henselit buffer containing varying conc. of insulin (7.2 x 10—11 — 7.2 x 10—8 M), glucagon (10-8—10-5 M) and somatostatin (3.0xl0-7 — 3.0 x 10—5 M) respectively, and measured the rate of fatty acid synthesis (incorporation of 3H20) and sterol (sesmosterol) synthesis and the activity og HMG-CoA reductase, the rate limiting enzym for hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis. Hepatocytes were prepared by the collagenase perfusion technique from rats on a controlled lighting and feeding schedule in which food was available for the first 8 h of the 12 h dark period. Insulin (>7.2xl0—10 M) increased reductase activity (78.2±15.5, SEM, n = 6, vs 59.1 ±8.8, P<0.01, pmol mevalonate/min per mg protein), but no effect on sterol synthesis was observed. Insulin increaed fatty acid synthesis. Glucagon (> 10_7 M) suppressed reductase activity (48.2 ±3.7 vs. 60.0 ±9.5, p<0.05), sterol synthesis (0.82 ±0.11 vs. 0.93 ±0.13, P = 0.05, nmol/mg protein) and fatty acid synthesis (4.2 ±0.3 vs. 18.1 ±4.5, P< 0.01, nmol 3H20 incorporated/mg protein). Somato- statin (> 1,2 x 10-6 M) weakly stimulated reductase activity in hepatocytes form rats fed ad libitum (36.5 ±4.2, SEM, n = 5, vs. 24.6 ±4.2, P<0.05), but was without an effect on sterol and fatty acid synthesis. — Insulin and glucagon had opposite effects on HMG-CoA reductase activity and fatty acid synthesis. The effect of these hormones on sterol synthesis was none (insulin) or weak (gluca- gon), and not within the expected physiological conc. range of these hormones. The effect of somatostatin on HMG-CoA reductase activity was probably limited to pharmacological conc. VARIATIONS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEPATIC STEROL SYNTHESIS AND THE INCORPORATION OF pH] WATER: EFFECTS OF LIPOGENIC PRECURSORS, DRUGS AND PEPTIDE HORMONES. Ó. G. Bjömsson, C. R. Pullinger, and G. F. Gibbons. MRC Lipid Metabolism Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London, U.K. The use of incorporation of [3H] water into chole- sterol as an estimate of sterol biosynthesis has obviously advantages over [14C] acetate or [14C] acetyl-CoA, as water penetrates rapidly most cell membranes and [3H] water is also not subject to extensive metabolism prior to incorporation into sterol. There is, however, no general agreement as to the exact number of 3H atoms which aree incorporated per molecule of cholesterol synthesi- zed. We have used a gas liquid chromatographic method to measure the weight of a newly synthesi- zed cholesterol precursor, desmosterol, in hepatocy- tes. Simultaneously we measured tritium incorpora- tion into desmosterol and this allowed us a direct measurement and calculation of ng-atoms of 3H incorporated per ng-atom carbon of cholesterol synthesized (the H/C ratio). Isolated rat hepatocytes in suspension were incubated up to 3 h in Krebs- Henseleit buffer under various experimental condi- tions, where lipogenic precursors (pyruvate, lactate) or pancreatic hormones (insulin, glucagon) or drugs (compactin, hydroxycitrate, dexamethasons, triari- mol) were added to the incubations. Time course studies showed an increasee in H/C ratio with 'time (0.42 ±0.07 (1 h), 0,55 ±0.04 (2 h), 0,74 ± 0.08 (3 h), SEM, respectively, P<0.001). Incubations with in- creasing conc. of pyruvate (6 MM, 10 mM, 25 mM) increased the H/C ratio in a dose-responsive manner while incubation with 50 mM pyruvate decreased it. Hydroxycitrate reduced the ratio (0.51 ±0.02 vs. 0.63±0.04, control, P<0.01) and dexamethasone increased it marginally (0.68 ±0.04, P = 0.05). Insulin, lactate, compactin or triarimol had no effects. The fact that the number of tritium atoms incorporated into newly synthesized cholesterol varied under different incubation conditions, might be explained by changes in the contribution of unlabelled NADPH produced via the pentose phos- phate pathway (J. Biol. Cheem. 252;4667-73, 1977). These findings may help to explain the conflicting results which has been published recently on the effects of glucagon and some lipogenic precursors on sterol synthesis in vitro. ISOLATION, PURIFICATION AND SHORT-TERM INCUBATION OF RAT HEPATOCYTES IN OXYGEN/CARBON DIOXIDE BUFFER MEDIA: Ó.G. Bjömsson, C.R. Pullinger, and G.F. Gibbons. MRC Lipid Metabolism Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Isolated hepatocytes in suspension of culture have partly replaced whole liver perfusion preparations, liver slices or in vivo studies as research tools for studying hepatic metabolism. The obvious advanta- ge of using isolated hepatocytes is that they allow direct assessment of the effects of hormones and metabolic precursors on the hepatic metabolism without interference from other cells or organs. We have modified tha technique of Berry and Friend (]. Cell Biol. 43: 506-20, 1969) and Seglen (Exp. Cell Res. 82: 391-8, 1973) for isolating and purifying rat



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