Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.12.1978, Blaðsíða 30

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.12.1978, Blaðsíða 30
24 Enginn hinna 8 með mælanlega TSH- hækkun er með klínískan skjöldungsvana enda á fullnægjandi uppbótarmeðferð með sterum vegna nýrnahettubarkarvanans. Sterameðferð hefur nú staðið áratug eða meir og hækkað TSH samt við lýði, sem mælir gegn því, að skjöldungsvani „lækn- ist“, sé hann fyrir hendi í NHBV, áður en sterameðferð hefst eins og Charib og félag- ar hafa haldið fram.10 Aðeins 3 sjúklingar höfðu mælanleg skjöldungsmótefni, sem kemur heim við reynslu höfundar, að slík finnist tiltölulega sjaldan hérlendis þótt að sé gætt að gefnu tilefni ýmissa frávika um skjöldungshag, en það er í mótsögn við niðurstöður virtra vísindamanna brezkra, sem telja tilvist skjöldungs-mótefna næmustu boða um dulda brenglun skjöldungshags.18 Aðgengileiki hins íslenzka efniviðar til athugana býður upp á frekari könnun ým- issa þátta. í þessu sambandi virðist sér- staklega vera aflavon í sambandi við HLA- flokkun efniviðarins og mögulega að bæta þar með horfu-spár sjúklinganna eins og Alfreð Árnason m.a. hefur bent á:i og sýnt hefur raunhæft gildi í vali á meðferð við skjöldungsörva, byggt á því, hvort sjúk- lingurinn hefur HLA-B8 mótefni eða ekki.15 SUMMARY A survey of Addison’s disease in Iceland 1943—’75 is presented. The survey was country- wide and claims completness with regards to prevalence, barring discovery of heretofore unknown Addisonians in a proposed search among the period’s autopsy records. At years end 1975 it was found to be 6.85 p. 100.000 in- habitants. Etiologically the patients divide into 65% as idipathie- (IAD), 20% as tuberculous- (TAD) and 15% unidentifiable Addison’s dis- ease (UAD). The male:female ritio was 1,1:1 for the whole group, but 2:1 for IAD, 1:3 for TAD and 1:2 for UAD. The role of TBC is found surprisingly low compared with its causative significance in Swedish and British reports and especially with view to the fact of greater overall incidence of TBC in Iceland in the present century compared with Scandi- navia, Great Britain and Germany. The Icelandic material runs clinically speak- ing a very similar course to the one described elsewhere. Presence of associated disease and measurable tissue- and humoral antibodies was found in a significant number of cases and proved to be exclusively concentrated among the IAD-group. HEIMILDASKRÁ 1. Addison, T. (1885). A collection of the published writings of the late Thomas Addi- son, M.D. Physician to Guy’s Hospital, London. New Sydenham Society, 1968. 2. Anderson, J.R., Goudine, R.B., Gray, K.G., Timbury, G.C. Auto-antibodies in Addison’s disease (1957), Lancet, p. 1123. 3. Árnason, Alfreð. Nokkur orð um erfða- mörk. Tímarit meinatækna 6, 1:33-40, 1976. 4. Ask-Upmark, E. Russel Hull: Addison’s disease in a university medical department during 20 years. Acta Med. Scand. (1972) Vol. 192, p. 445-446. 5. Beaven, D.W., Nelson, D.H., Renold, A.E., Thorn G.W. Diabetes mellitus and Addison’s disease. N.E.J.M. Vol. 261, 9:443 (1959). 6. Carpente.r C.C.J., Solomon, N., Silverberg, S.G., Bledsoe, T.B., Northcutt, R.D., Klinen- berg, J.R., Bennett, J.L., Harvey, A.M. Schmidt’s syndrome. Medicine 43:2, 153 (1964). 7. Cecel & Loeb, Textbook of Medicine, (1951 og 1975) p. 1258-1265 og 1736-1739. 8. Christy, N.P., Holub, D.A., Tomasi, T.B. Primary ovarian, thyroid and adrenocorti- cal insufficiency simulating pituitary in- sufficiency associated with diabetes melli- tus. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 22, p. 155-160 (1962). 9. Dunlop, D.: Eighty-six cases of Addison’s Disease. Brit. Med. Journal, 1963:2:887. 10. Gharib, H., Hodgson, S.F., Gastineau, C.T., Scholz, D.A., D.A., Smith, L.A. Reversible Hypothyroidism in Addison’s disease. Lancet (1972) p. 734. 11. Guðmundsson, Sigurður Þ. Mb. Addisonii, obs. Læknaneminn (1975) 28, 2:34-40. 12. Guttman, P.H. Addison’s disease. A statisti- cal analysis of 566 cases and study of patho- logy. Arch. of Path. (1930): 10:742 & 8p5. 13. Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine. Eight Ed. 1977 p. 547. 14. Irvine, W.J., Barnes, E.W. Adrenocortical Insufficiency. Clinics in Endoerinology and Metabolism Vol. 1:2, 549-595 (1972). 15. Irvine, W.J., Gray, R.S., Morris, P.J., Ting, A. Correlation of HLA- & Thyroid Anti- bodies with Clinical Course of Thyrotoxi- cosis treated with Antithyroid Drugs. Lancet (29/10.77) p. 898. 16. Mc Hardy-Youn, S., Lessof, M.H., Maisey, M.N. Serum- TSH and thyroid antibody studies in Addison’s disease. Clinical Endo- crinology (1972) 1, 45-56. 17. Nordisk Lærebog i Medicine. Möller, Egg- ert: Mb. Addisonii p. 273-276 (1943). 18. Nerup, Jörn. Addison’s disease — a review of some clinical, pathological and immuno- logical features. Danish Medical Bulletin 21, 6:20 (1974). 19. Nerup, Jörn. Addison’s disease — Clinical studies. A report of 108 cases. Acta Endo- crinologica 76 (1974) 127-141. 20. Nerup, Jörn. Addison’s disease. Serological


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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