Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 27

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 27
Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 1 Tafla I. Tala búpenings í árslok 1949, eftir landshlutum. Number of Livestock at the End of 19í9, by Geographic Divisions. T3 C Z g i/i T p .- •S c 3 t- U 5C « o 3 •ö c a T •o 5 •tí c a 3 ^ ■3 C s ~U M 3 0: 2 o •g o ® « a» 2 s i - o 5 Nautgripir cattle = O C/3 A «^ s > s: a. O o Z ^ 3 e CbJ 3 O C/J A Iíýr og kelfdar kvigur cows ancl lieifers in calf Griðungar og geldneyti eldri en 7 150 1 937 10 382 2 306 8813 30 588 vcturgömul bulls and dry catllc 2 jjears of agc and over 129 20 107 43 140 439 Veturgamali nautpeningur younu stocl; 1 year of age and under 2 years 1 504 303 2 215 486 1 803 6 311 Káifar calves under 1 year of age 1 518 351 1 822 733 1 279 5 703 Samtals total 10 301 2 611 14526 3 568 12 035 43 041 Sauðfé sheep Ær ewes 42 438 42 990 68 917 86 009 70 490 310 844 Hrútar rams 1 017 1 082 1 778 1 601 1 415 6 893 Sauðir whetliers Gemlingar lambs under 1 gear of 128 219 180 671 1 741 2 939 age 16 802 7 436 25 109 17 809 14 037 81 193 Samtals total 60 385 51 727 95 984 106 090 87 683 401 869 Geitfé goats 5 1 228 41 15 290 Hross horses Eldri en 15 vetra 15 gears of agc and over Hestar 4—15 vetra mates 3—lí 1 729 546 2 896 564 1 196 6 931 gears of age Hryssur 4—15 vetra mares 3—l'i 3 346 876 6 062 1 022 4 214 15 520 gears of aqe 2 001 451 6 120 787 2 552 11 911 Hross 2—3 vetra 1—2 gears of age 783 58 3 096 129 1 076 5 142 Hross 1 vetrar nnder 1 ijear of age 408 30 1 333 37 500 2 308 Samtais tolal 8 267 1 961 19 507 2 539 9 538 41 812 Loðdýr fur-bearing animats Silfurrefir silver foxes 89 49 42 - 180 Minkar minks 310 36 346 Samtals total 399 85 42 - - 526 Alifuglar poultry Hœnsni chickens 72 193 6 062 19 841 8 311 17 023 123 430 Endur ducks 122 39 113 70 5 349 Gæsir gcese 105 15 141 100 5 366 Samtals total 72 420 6 116 20 095 8 481 17 033 124145 Svín pigs 410 5 4 16 24 459 Frainteljendur possessors of Nautgripa catlle 1 468 777 2 522 1 155 1 371 7 293 Sauðfjár sheep 1 767 1 360 2 544 1 972 1 796 j 9 439 Hrossa horses 1 743 822 3 228 1 143 1 619 ; 8 555 Alifugia poultry 939 423 1 288 740 687 4 077 I
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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