Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 36

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 36
Cn ** W lO iO Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 Tafla IV. Jarðargróði árið 1949, eftir sýslum Taðn hay from home-fields Sýslur oe kaupstaðir districts and towns Vothc silage 100 k Suðvesturland South-West Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla 75 622 11 875 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 74 418 15 568 Mýrasýsla 52 001 6 022 Snæfellsnessýsla 44 331 6 711 49 338 4 140 Kaupstaðir (Rvík, Hafnarf., Keflav., Akran.) towns .... 13 075 1 080 Samtals total 308 785 45 396 Vestfirðir Westcrn Peninsula Barðastrandarsýsla 34 337 4 501 ísafjarðarsýsla ... 47 973 10 741 Strandasýsla 22 800 3 705 Kaupstaður (ísafjörður) town 1 914 100 Samtals total 107 024 19 047 Norðurland North Húnavatnssýsla 117 763 8 898 Skagafjarðarsýsla 105 378 3 723 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 124 709 7 047 Þingeyjarsýsla 96 926 5 831 Kaupstaðir (Sauðárkrókur, Siglufjörður, Ólafsfjörður, Ak- ureyri) towns 12 639 420 Samtals total 457 415 25 919 Austurland East Norður-Múlasýsla 49 833 2 128 Suður-Múlasýsla 55 157 2 845 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 22 940 800 Kaupstaðir (Seyðisfjörður, Neskaupstaður) towns 6 455 Samtals total 134 385 5 773 Suðurland South Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 33 565 2 518 Rangárvallasýsla 129 722 19 260 Árnessýsla 167 978 26 798 Kaupstaður (Vestmannaeyjar) town 7 249 15 Samtals total 338 514 48 591 Allt landið whole countru 1 346123 144 726 Þar af whereof 143 111 Sýslur districts - 1 304 791 Iíaupstaðir towns 41 332 1 615 Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 íi Field Crops etc. in 19í9, by Districts. Úthey hay from meadows Hnfrngrns oat-grass, 100 kg Korn grain, 100 kg Gnrðúvextir luber and root crops Eldiviður fucl Pramteljendur producers of Af áveitu- og flæðiengi irrigaied or marchy, 100 kg Annnð other, 100 kg Knrtðflur, tunnur potatocs, 100 kg Rófur, tunnur swedcs, 100 kg l. t! sn © u « ® t 'S'g 5 H C S. Cí 5* “§ i) ^ » c u Œ*S. Heyfengs hay Gnrðúvnxtn tubcr and root crops 1 725 4 564 2 621 45 4 169 347 361 352 0 065 14 825 993 - 949 98 155 - 214 187 11 935 16 013 1 130 10 1 280 83 495 90 230 278 2 020 10 685 230 - 421 47 3 530 - 256 192 135 16 793 140 - 348 119 800 100 213 129 25 145 - - 1 902 289 - - 78 111 21 905 63 025 5 114 55 9 069 983 4 980 190 1 452 1 249 2 582 10 634 55 5 741 168 691 90 237 182 1 937 15 720 278 15 1 308 288 4 037 - 406 260 360 18 886 107 127 90 2 812 - 225 56 - “ - - 20 - 4 879 45 240 440 20 2 176 546 7 540 90 888 498 16 820 42 805 160 787 309 1 239 649 333 22 720 26 587 153 - 603 720 1 899 - 545 255 9 324 24 941 490 - 3 350 104 270 - 537 381 15 547 41 398 3 706 138 5 874 493 863 463 170 1 505 - - 607 - - - 112 182 64 581 137 236 803 9 053 1 271 9 282 493 2 706 1 614 675 22 056 931 2 146 376 1 807 45 502 249 70 15 443 1 030 - 2 215 833 765 70 513 359 3 368 10 290 127 - 2 678 1 207 5 204 260 564 - 330 5 - - 68 15 4 113 48 353 2 088 7 369 2 421 2 572 120 1 287 883 10 043 25 640 205 1 601 440 227 233 37 532 67 611 3 243 105 5 551 76 66 - 495 465 61 135 32 651 2 380 4 838 57 - - 578 587 - - - 124 41 - - 48 27 108 710 125 902 5 828 105 12 114 614 66 - 1 348 1 312 204 188 419 756 14 273 180 39 781 5 835 24 440 893 7 681 5 556 203 993 417 542 14 273 180 36 818 5 500 24 440 893 7 355 5 221 195 2 214 ' 2 963 335 326 335 a cn
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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