Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 44

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 44
18 BúnatSarsUýrslur 1949—50 Tafla VI. Búsafurðir árið 1949, eftir sýslum. Mjólk milk SuuOfé sheep slaughtered Sýslur og kaupstaðir Kúa from cows cwes ' Nr. ■o districts and towns U u |'2!§ 22 2 ® C -S-c s£ *5 ►.s a 1 io Suðvesturland South-Wcst tl C® « » M 3.2.= E E = o u u tXT3 « i Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla 8 346 36 195 5 534 1 007 159 2 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 6 664 30 697 7 393 1 167 127 3 Mýrasýsla 7 750 20 447 8 875 1 603 181 4 Snæfellsnessýsla 15 081 6 793 8 669 6 651 645 5 Dalasýsla 13 650 1 917 6 011 775 91 6 Iíaupstaðir (Rvik, Hafnarf., Keflav., AUran.) towns 3 158 9 420 1 080 216 29 Samtals 54 649 105 469 37 562 11 419 1 232 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1 Barðastrandarsýsla 10 936 1 329 11 828 1 642 96 2 ísafjarðarsýsla 11 005 8 807 14 257 1 942 167 3 Strandasýsla 10 133 1 180 7 049 764 71 4 Kaupstaður (ísafjörður) town 10 1 453 408 46 4 Samtals 32 084 12 769 33 542 4 394 338 Norðurland North i Húnavatnssýsla 24 588 17 795 7 907 247 35 2 Skagafjarðarsýsla 22 938 20 342 14 705 13 028 733 3 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 18 490 58 533 19 252 14567 655 4 Þingeyjarsýsla 32 266 23 394 43 025 5 290 1 704 5 Kaupstaðir (Sauðúrkrókur, Siglufjörður, Ólafsfjörður, Akureyri) towns 7 005 2 497 2 184 1 904 2 Samtals 105 287 122 561 87 073 35 036 3 129 Austurland East 1 Norður-Múlasýsla 15 129 421 31 611 5 601 2 278 2 Suður-Múlasýsla 19 546 2 809 21 598 3 639 915 3 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 7 781 27 8 477 1 677 82 4 Kaupstaðir (Seyðisfjörður, Neskaup- staður) towns 2 715 - 1 596 339 22 Samtals 45 171 3 257 63 282 11 256 3 297 Suðurland South 1 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 11 155 6 224 15 649 2 738 44 2 Rangárvallasýsla 12 685 49 864 18 056 3 391 205 3 Arnessýsla 14 625 83 054 17 128 2 896 258 4 Kaupstaður (Vestmannaeyjar) town .. 888 3 069 26 12 4 Samtals 39 353 142 211 50 859 9 037 511 4 Á öllu Iandinu wliole country 1 Sýslur districts 262 768 369 828 267 024 68 625 8 446 2 Kaupstaðir towns 13 776 16 439 5 294 2 517 61 Samtals total 276 544 386 267 272 318 71 142 8 507 Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 19 Livestock Products 19í9, by Districts. fargað or sold UII wool kg Nautgripir fargað cattle slauglitered or sold Hross fargað liorses slaughtered or sold Vanhöld loss of Nr. Sauðir og hrút- ar wethers and rams, hcad Veturgamalt 1 gcar old, head g C í- í-1 Geldneyti drg cattlc Í c u u u:« Kldri en 15 v. 15 g. old and ovcr, head 4—15 vetra 2—lí gears old, head 2—3 vetra 1—2 gears old, head Folöld coltsand flllíes undcr 1 gear, head u" * 12 •o -a 3 c s u cr. JS. Nautgripir cattle, hcad Hross horses, head 2 v. og eldri ovcr Sgcars old, hcad 2 v.ogyngri undcr 2 gcars old, hcad 69 82 10 248 252 31 43 1 340 23 31 10 5 963 17 3 1 30 74 15 428 202 22 67 1 233 65 71 27 148 1 602 17 8 2 49 133 16 805 158 16 200 776 72 88 47 149 2 710 15 19 3 222 1 654 15 463 144 8 285 435 31 65 5 78 2 541 15 12 4 86 184 15 286 140 8 310 284 50 43 10 119 710 17 13 5 17 58 2 388 49 5 2 410 11 8 1 1 116 1 1 6 473 2 185 75 618 945 90 907 4 478 252 306 100 500 8 642 82 56 97 115 21 348 71 4 92 300 38 24 . 2 860 9 2 1 198 324 22 608 142 31 94 547 27 12 1 2 1 026 9 2 2 82 101 13 546 101 12 110 263 32 20 8 24 691 12 4 3 7 - 9 6 - 52 - - - - 4 384 540 57 502 323 53 296 1 162 97 56 9 28 2 577 30 8 38 833 22 379 423 25 517 1 113 189 398 491 1 640 456 22 79 1 284 1 355 11 916 237 40 213 1 099 109 171 454 955 1 315 37 100 2 401 1 010 21 187 423 34 34 2 304 36 43 4 3 746 68 5 3 359 1 141 84 251 401 23 227 1 635 97 54 11 2 020 69 15 4 48 333 2 615 123 1 28 259 27 28 12 49 159 10 5 5 1 130 4 672 142 348 1 607 123 1 019 6 410 458 694 972 2 647 4 696 206 204 201 313 79 392 132 13 196 348 96 50 2 1 8 100 8 8 1 171 210 44 783 - - - - - - - — 2 893 - — 2 145 20 15 741 62 7 74 213 30 17 ~ 515 8 4 3 16 23 2 146 15 - 4 113 - - - - 119 - - 4 533 566 142 062 209 20 274 674 126 67 2 1 11 627 16 12 516 100 27 750 102 2 85 469 52 56 3 19 1 119 6 3 1 198 193 34 149 355 29 50 2 312 168 197 79 636 1 405 25 31 2 194 221 40 280 631 31 70 3 214 160 179 36 28 5 888 83 32 3 6 - 30 11 3 1 - - ~ - - 4 914 514 102 209 1 099 65 206 5 995 380 432 118 683 8 412 114 66 3 340 8 063 512 560 3 976 336 2 667 17 885 1 275 1 519 1 188 3 809 35 560 437 340 1 94 414 7 179 207 15 35 834 38 36 13 50 394 11 6 2 3 434 8 477 519 739 4 183 351 2 702 18 719 1 313 1 555 1 201 3 859 35 954 448 346
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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