Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Page 60

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Page 60
34 Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 35 Tafla XIII. Tala búpenings í árslok 1950, eftir sýslum. Number of Livestock at the End of 1950, by Districts. Nr. Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Suðvesturland Nautgripir cattle Sauðfé sheep Q O ©5 § ‘5 O Ilross liorses Loðdýr furbearing animals Alifuglnr poultry Svfn pigs Nr. Kýr og kelfdnr kvígur coivs and heifers in calf Griðungnr og geldneyti eldri en veturgðmul bulls and dry cattlc 2 ycarsof age and ovcr Veturgnmnll nnutpeningur | young stock 1 year of age and under 2 years Kálfnr calves under 1 year of age Snmtnls total 8 3 w u SJ Hrútnr rams Snuðir whcthers Gemlingnr lambs undcr 1 year of age : Snmtnls total Eldri en 15 vetrn 15 years of age and over Hestnr 4—15 vetrn males 3—14 years of agc Hryssur 4—15 vetrn mares 3—14 years of age Tryppi 2—3 vetrn young horses 1—2 ycars of agc Folöld colts and fillies under 1 year of agc Snmtnls total Silfurreflr silver foxes Minknr mlnks Hænsni chickens Endur ducks Gæsir gecse South-West í Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla .. 2 028 52 329 361 2 770 6 109 133 42 1 299 7 583 - 193 306 129 37 28 693 3 225 20 131 10 86 202 1 2 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 1 934 55 450 316 2 755 - - - - 557 780 541 294 190 2 362 - - 3 089 3 7 2 3 Mýrasýsla 1 328 18 366 345 2 057 8 6 105 6 113 - 453 732 500 248 229 2 162 - - 1 498 - 25 - 3 4 Snæfellsnessýsla 1 082 9 266 329 1 686 5 508 260 9 5 183 10 960 - 296 576 311 168 73 1 424 16 1 028 - - 4 5 Dalasýsla 700 6 176 310 1 192 8 837 211 4 6 068 15 120 - 344 547 430 143 90 1 554 30 - 1 113 4 31 5 6 Kaupstaðir (Rvík, Hafnarf., Keflav., Akran.) towns ... 558 16 98 58 730 1 011 31 “ 236 1 278 — 70 281 73 21 11 456 — 22 963 76 20 273 6 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1 Barðastrandarsýsla 537 4 83 109 733 15 489 380 52 3 490 19 411 - 182 318 109 15 7 631 1 242 ~ 2 - 1 2 ísafjarðarsýsla 890 14 156 191 1 251 18 521 429 140 4 174 23 264 - 243 205 131 17 2 598 - 38 2 588 15 6 - 2 3 Strandasýsla 477 5 98 87 667 11 076 297 - 2 808 14 181 - 165 280 161 26 18 650 32 1 366 13 5 2 3 4 Kaupstaður (fsafjörður) town 59 1 1 5 66 456 15 — 30 501 — - 11 2 — ~ 13 — 290 4 — “ 4 Norðurland North 1 Húnavatnssýsla 1 933 23 381 431 2 768 29 793 892 16 11 839 42 540 - 1 299 2 285 3 259 1 355 851 9 049 20 - 3 134 9 69 - 1 2 Skagafjarðarsýsla 2 207 46 494 188 2 935 6 978 279 10 12 561 19 828 - 1 043 1 845 2 281 1 022 691 6 882 2 309 2 17 1 2 3 3 4G8 15 659 636 4 778 3 499 100 28 9 118 12 745 - 381 626 381 146 103 1 637 7 965 41 29 18 3 4 Þingeyjarsýsla 2 204 19 336 284 2 843 42 399 735 98 7 137 50 369 184 411 671 281 47 23 1 433 6 - 3 635 29 8 4 5 Ivaupstaðir (Sauðárkr., Sigluf., Ólafsf., Akureyri, Húsavík) towns 601 13 91 65 770 2 357 59 — 2 188 4 604 - 47 323 193 54 20 637 ~ — 2 922 ” ~ 177 5 Austurland East 1 Norður-Múlasýsla 713 14 158 258 1 143 40 598 689 106 6 746 48 139 22 284 528 347 44 22 1 225 2 844 6 - - 1 2 Suður-Múlasýsla 1 054 46 254 287 1 641 28 877 570 136 5 321 34 904 1 151 270 242 32 15 710 - 3 763 39 85 7 2 3 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 364 9 73 114 590 10 566 175 378 1 478 12 597 - 98 172 169 9 13 461 717 12 - 3 4 Kaupstaðir (Seyðisfjörður, Neskaupstaður) towns ... 112 1 5 4 122 1 508 35 — 182 1 725 - 4 5 3 o 14 “ 770 — “ — 4 Suðurland South 1 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 731 1 152 196 1 080 19 489 350 685 3 972 , 24 496 - 177 449 155 79 32 892 - 1 256 - 2 1 2 Rangárvallasýsla 3 499 108 609 508 4 724 23 391 480 379 6 965 31 215 - 479 1 788 1 295 716 534 4 812 - 4 898 - - 2 3 Árnessýsla 5 073 52 1 000 861 6 986 26 250 543 169 6 886 33 848 - 648 1 713 1 058 346 208 3 973 6 874 - 15 39 3 4 Kaupst. (Vestm.eyjar) town 214 4 19 11 248 88 6 - 29 123 7 5 - - 12 - - 524 - 4 Allt landið The whole country 31 766 531 6 254 5 954 44 505 302 800 6 677 2 252 103 815 415 544 207 7 532 14 716 12 051 4 821 3 160 42 280 107 263 96 919 251 419 719 Þar af wliereof Sýslur districts 30 222 496 6 040 5 811 42 569 297 625 6 535 2 252 101 202 407 313 207 7 404 14091 11 780 4 744 3 129 41 148 107 263 69 450 171 399 269 Kaupstaðir towns 1 544 35 214 143 1 936 5 175 142 ~ 2 613 8 231 — 128 625 271 77 31 1 132 — 27 469 80 20 450


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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