Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 85

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 85
Búnaðarskýrslur 1949—50 59 Tafla XXII. Arður af hlunnindum árið 1950. Subsidiary Sources of Income 1950. Sýslur og kaupstaðir districtn and towns Lax og silungur salmon and trout fishlng Hrognkelsi lompe' Selveiði seal hunting Fuglatekja birding Dúntekja ciderdown Eggjatekja eggs Reki driflwood c © = c Silungur trout Fullorðnir selir adult seals Kópar pups Lundi puffins Aðrir other tals number tals tals tals tals kr. Suðvesturland South-West Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla - 200 25550 - - 4200 550 7 - 12534 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 911 2680 - - - 400 “ - 351 Mýrasýsla 1933 3982 - - 12855 2075 46.6 1025 1301) Snæfellsnessýsla 4 348 600 í 59 2080 - 102.6 800 - Dalasýsla 60 7 220 1450 312 187.6 600 - Reykjavík town 960 350 8 000 - - ~ “ Sarntals total 3808 7620 34150 8 279 20585 3337 343.6 2425 14185 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula Barðastrandarsýsla 250 1050 18 531 1140 100 445 2340 - Isafjarðarsýsla - 146 10034 - 41 2500 213 800 7200 Strandasýsla 916 1100 6 318 3400 450 241.6 2040 77180 Samtals total - 1312 12184 24 890 7040 550 899.6 5180 84380 Norðurland North1) Húnavatnssýsla 578 7304 524 8 119 520 110 2060 9220 Skagafjarðarsýsla 77 12730 - 1 2 240 92 310 24205 Evjaf jarðarsýsla ~ 3950 400 300 800 Þingeyjarsýsla 83 32825 10965 2 47 580 253 36144 44655 Samtals totaP) 738 52859 15439 11 168 400 1640 455 38514 78880 Austurland East Norður-Múlasýsla 230 17 - 16 213 - - 68 3340 10380 Suður-Múlasvsla - 130 - - 34 - 30 94 500 3100 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla . . . 60 270 - 12 164 10000 - 49 3300 4430 Samtals total 290 417 - 28 411 10001' 30 211 7140 17910 Suðurland South Vestur-Skaflafellssýsla . .. 1715 - 1 2 - - 8445 4550 Rangárvallasýsla 12 1205 - - 29 - - - 770 Árnessýsla 274 * 71890 13 94 - 9 2300 Samtals total 286 74810 - 14 125 - - 9 8445 7620 Allt landið whole countrn 5122 ’137018 61773 85 1873 838025 ‘5557 1918 s61704 202975 Þar af whereof: Sýslur districts 4162 2136668 53773 85 1873 338025 •5557 1918 3 61704 202975 Kaupstaðir towns .... 960 350 8000 - - - - - 1) Frú Sigluflrði fékkst ekki hlunnindafrnmtal fyrir 1950 excluding Siglufjöröur for u'hich there was not submittcd any report for 1950. 2) Þnr af murta úr Þingvnllavatni 56 700 whereof 56 700 small troul (murta) from the Thingvalla Lake. 3) Frá Vestmannaeyjum fékkst ekki hlunnindaframtal fyrir úrið 1950 Sjú neðanmúlsgrein 2) ú bls. 29 excluding Vestmanneijjar for whlch therc was not submltted any report for 1950. See note on page 29.
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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