Gripla - 20.12.2005, Síða 44
James the Greater (AM 652, 630): The AM 652/630 4to version of the passio
repeats the AM 645 4to account, but to this text adds a homiletic introduction and a
concluding chapter on the translatio of James’ relics to Spain. Kirby (1980:30) sug-
gests that the introduction and conclusion are derived directly from AM 655 4to
fragment XII-XIII, since the introductions in both manuscripts are identical and refer
to material derived from the Speculum Ecclesiae of Honorius Augustinodensis
(Honorius of Autun, ca. 1075-1156), which contains sermons on various subjects, in-
cluding one on St. James (De Sancto Jacobo Apostolo, PL 172:981-986). The Spe-
culum Ecclesiae is used again as the source for the saga’s concluding chapter, which
contains an account of the translatio of James’ relics to Spain and of the subsequent
conflict with Lupa, a rich noblewoman (along with a brief account, translated nearly
verbatim from Honorius, of the character and martyrdom of St. Christopher, whose day
is celebrated along with James’ on July 25).
James the Less (AM 630): A variant of the Pseudo-Abdian Passio Sancti Jacobi
(Book VI; BHL 4089), which exists in five different recensions.56 The Pseudo-Abdian
Passio itself is derived for the most part (i.e. in almost all of the recensions) on the
information concerning James and his martyrdom given by Hegesippus in his Memoirs
(Hypomnemata) and quoted in full by Eusebius in his Historia Ecclesiastica. The AM
652/630 4to version of the passio departs from Hegesippus’ account of James’
martyrdom and instead follows the account as given in Lipsius’ fourth recension (BHL
4094, beginning „Tempore illo suscepit ecclesiam Hierosolymorum“), excerpts of
which have been reprinted in the Cat. Brux.:203-4.
John (AM 652, 630): A compilation of material derived from the Virtutes Iohannis of
Pseudo-Abdias (BHL 4316), the Passio Iohannis of Pseudo-Melito (BHL 4320), the
Gospels, the Historia Ecclesiastica of Eusebius (cf. BHL 4324), Gregory the Great’s
homilies (26 and 30), and original material.
Philip (AM 630): A version of Latin Recension I of the Pseudo-Abdian Passio
Philippi (Book X; BHL 6814). The translator adds a homiletic introduction and mate-
rial interpolated from the Bible and other sources, including an account of the
apostle’s crucifixion and stoning while upon the cross; this account is not found in
holomew’s activities in India and his martyrdom (not given in Theodoros’ sermon), sug-
gesting, if this summary is not an original addition by the homilist, that it was more than
likely copied from an original that already included an edited version of the concluding parts
of Theodoros’ sermon. The summary in fact resembles notices on the apostle Bartholomew
given in various patristic sources, including Bede’s Martyrologium and Ordericus Vitalis’
Historia Ecclesiae (PL 188:15-984); most of the notices, except for Bede’s, mention that the
apostle was martyred in Armenia. See DAAA II,1:103-104; Bede’s notice is worded as
follows: „IX. Kal. Septemb. Natales S. Bartholomaei apostoli, qui apud Indiam Christi
evangelium praedicans vivens a barbaris decoriatus est atque iussu regis Astragis decollatus
martyrium complevit“.
56 See Collings 1969:70 and DAAA I:145-146.