
Jökull - 01.12.1953, Blaðsíða 5

Jökull - 01.12.1953, Blaðsíða 5
ent accuracy. This depth may at each place be considered as the sum of three or four quanti- ties. 1. Height of highest shore-line above present sea level. 2. Rise of the country before the formation of the highest shore-line. 3. Rise of general sea-level since the formation of the highest shore-line. 4. Future rise öf the land until equilibrium is attained. The last contribution may probably be ne- glected in Iceland. No 1 is observable, but No 2 and No 3 must be calculated on the basis of the otherwise found viscosity of the sub- stratum and the rate of melting of the glaciers in late Glacial times. Rather complete data, including absolute dating, will be necessary if satisfactory accuracy is to be attained. — During the present inquiry I have worked out a method to calulate the depression produ- ced by a given ice load, by various values of crustal thickness, and it seems worth while to present this method here, as it is both easy to use and generally applicable. The method is based on the solution of H. Hertz (6) of the depression of an infinte floating plate under a point force. By dividing the ice sheet into narrow vertical columns whose weights are considered as point forces, we can use Hertz’ solution and sum up the depressions produced at a chosen point P by the individual columns. In practice the procedure is as follows. On transparent paper are drawn concentric circles with radii: /2 l, l, 3/2 l, 2 l, 3 l, 4 l, and 8 l. The zone from V2 l to i! is divided by radii in- to 4 equal parts, while each outer zone is divided by radii into 8 equal parts. We thus get 45 com- partments. The length l depends on T, the thickness of the elastic crust, as shown in table I. TABLE I. T (km) l (km) 10 23.6 20 39.7 30 54 40 67 50 79 / m2 E T3 \1/. I is defined by Z = ( ---------------- ) ' 4 y 12 (m2 — 1) G d J where m = coefficient of Poisson = 4,1. E = modulus of elasticity = 106 kg/cm2. These values are accepted after Vening Meinesz (7), who bases them on B. Gutenberg. T = thickness of the rigid elastic crust. G = 981 cm/sec2 d = density of plastic substratum, assumed to be 3.00. Where the density of ice appears in the calculations later the value 0,9 is used. We now place the transparent paper on a map of the glacier, with the cénter of the circles at the chosen point P, and estimate the average thickness of the ice in each of the 45 compart- ments. A compartment with the ice thickness H gives a contribution h to the depression at P Then h/H is found in table II. TABLE II. Zone h/H 0 - V2/ 0,0276 1 /2l- l 0,01683 l- 3/2 l 0,00956 3/2 i- 21 0,00844 21- 31 0,01041 31- 41 0,0022 41- 8 l - 0,0054 Examples: 1000 m ice thickness in the central compartment gives a depression of 27.6 m. 1000 m thickness in one compartment in the zone 2 l — 3 l gives a depression of 10,41 m. 1000 m thickness in one compartment in the zone 4 l — 8 l gives a rise of 5,4 m. At last the contributions of the various com- partments are summed up, remembering that thé sign for the outermost zone is negative. As a test of the table we find for a very large ice sheet of constant thickness 1000 m a depressi- on of 297 m. It is easily seen that the correct value is 300 m. The difference of 3 m is caused by the neglect of the area outside 8 l, which usually will be unimportant. When drawing the circles on the transparent paper the scale of the map to be used must naturally be taken into account. Further it will be clear that the depression found in this way refers to equilibrium condi- tions, i. e. it means the fully developed depress- 3
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