Jökull - 01.12.1953, Síða 35
moraine seems to be more in accordance with
the glacier which supplies it than suggestive of
one merged ice mass.
If each supplying glacier maintains its own
identity then the problem is raised as to what
becomes of the intermediate glaciers which are
„wedged out“; in this case the glaciers from
Austurdalur. It is desirable to carry out
a seismographic survey of this region which in
association with the height control established,
will allow volume calculation to be made. It
will then be possible to decide whether these
glaciers are „wedged out“ or „over-ridden“.
A further examination of a moraine at its
source was made at a certain point, where the
moraine appeared to be emerging from the ice
by a process of melting. From a beginning as
a thin coating of dirt this moraine develóped
into a feature some metres high and wide in a
very short distance. On examination of the
moraine from a crevasse at a point lower down
it was found that a fine trace of debris went
down into the ice as far as could be seen — some
15 metres. This core of dirt was only about 10
cms. wide. As the moraine actually had its
source underneath the ice and away from any
contact with exposed nunataks it is difficult to
see by what process the feature could grow other
than by the transport of dirt from the „core“
by melting ice. This seems to show that some
medial moraines do have „roots“ in the ice and
that these, relatively small, „roots" carry suf-
ficient material to form considerable surface
The remaining moraines in Esjufjöll form a
very complex pattern which is to be the subject
Fig. 2. Moraine rising out of ice (Esjufjöll).
Aur-röhd að koma upp úr jökli (nálœgt Esjufj ).
of further study in an expedition in 1952. This
year these moraines were mapped in detail and
the results are present in the map of Esjufjöll
(which will be published later).
Sunnudaginn 27. júli 1952 gengu þeir Stein-
þór Eiríksson vélvirki, Vilhjálmur Einarsson og
Jóhann Ólafsson, allir til heimilis að Egilsstöð-
um, á syðri tind Dyrfjalla, en sá tindur hefur
löngum verið álitinn ókleifur.
Voru þeir félagar vel búnir með íshaka, fjalla-
vað og stálfleyga. Þeir lögðu upp frá Unuósi á
laugardagskvöld og gistu í tjaldi við fjallsræt-
urnar um nóttina. Á sunnudagsmorgun lögðu
þeir á brattannn og gengu upp á tindinn að
norðanverðu. Lá leiðin fyrst yfir jökulbunka,
en sjálfur tindurinn var snjólaus með öllu. Voru
þeir aðeins tvær klst. á leiðinni úr tjaldstað upp
á tind. Ekki lentu þeir í neinum örðugleikum,
en grjóthrun urðu þeir mjög að varast.
Hátindurinn er þriggja metra löng brík frá
N—S og einn metri á breidd, en slútandi stand-
berg niður að „dyrunum“.
S. Rist.