
Jökull - 01.12.1953, Side 54

Jökull - 01.12.1953, Side 54
INSTRUCTIONS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE RESEARCH EXPEDITIONS TO ICELAND On account of the tragic disasters which have befallen foreign research parties in this coun- try, the National Research Council wants to issue the following warning to those who pre- pare research expeditions to Iceland: The wastelands of Iceland cover large areas and are in many parts very dangerous for travellers, especially those who are not familiar with the country and who must therefore exert more caution in order to avoid accidents. Lead- ers of foreign research parties should take good care to familiarize themselves thoroughly with local conditions and to make all plans in con- sultation with persons who know local condi- tions. Permits for scientific research will in general not be granted to those who intend to travel alone in the wastelands, and in distant dist- ricts it is even considered as a risk for groups of only two persons to travel. Universities and other research institutes who intend to send students on training expeditions to Iceland should, before planning the expedi- tion, consult the National Research Council, or a person or institution which the Council may appoint, concerning a suitable field of study. Preferably, such expeditions should be made under the supervision of Icelandic special- ists who will endeavour to co-ordinate the work of the various groups and to guide them in their field of study. Difficult research work will only be entrusted to skilled scientists who are familiar with local conditions. But such scientists should also work in close co-operation with Icelandic scientists or institutions engaged in similar work. Reykjavik, November 24, 1953. The National Research Council. Thorbjörn Sigurgeirsson Secretary General. Manufacturers of world famous Parkas of water-repellent “Moun- taincloth”, lined with lamb-fur, specially treated to withstand wet- ness and harshness of arctic cli- mate, made in sizes 36 to 46. Export price $40,— or £14.7.6 postage free to all countries. Mail your orders direct to the manufacturers VINNUFATAGERD ISLANDS LTD., Reykjavik, Iceland. L _________________________________J 52



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