
Jökull - 01.12.1960, Blaðsíða 12

Jökull - 01.12.1960, Blaðsíða 12
Sveinn Pálsson. 1760 (in Die Eisgebirge des Schweizerlandes.I,]). 30,45) and their formation is discussed there for the first time by S.Studer in 1783 (in Auszug eines Briefs aus dem Múhlethal im Oberhasli, von 22ten Heumond 1783. Höpfners Mag. Nat. Helv. I. Zurich 1787, pp. 210-211). Ólafsson thinks that the sand, covering the dirt cones, has been blown in over the glaciers from ice- free areas outside in wintertime and he main- tains that it is a harcl blowing wind that causes their form to be conical (op. cit.). Ólafsson and Pálsson were the first to climb the ice capped cone volcano Snæfellsjökull, on July lst, 1754. The big name in the 18th century glaciology' in Iceland is Sveinn Pálsson (1762—1840). The son of a farnier in Skagafjördur, N.-Iceland, he studied medicine and natural history at the University of Copenhagen in 1787—1791. Hav- ing finished his academic studies in natural history he spent four summers (1791—1794) on journeys through Icelancl for geographical, botanical and geological studies. In 1799 Pálsson was appointed doctor for the South of Iceland, serving an area stretching right from Hellisheidi to Skeidarársanclur as well as the Westman Islands. Besides, he fre- quently had to attend patients in Austur-Skafta- fellssýsla. Pálsson held this extremely difficult office until 1824, living for most of the time on the farm Sydri Vík in Mýrdalur. Whenever 10



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