
Jökull - 01.12.1960, Blaðsíða 30

Jökull - 01.12.1960, Blaðsíða 30
to 6720/2700 to 6730/2900 to 6630/3130 to 6640/3330 to 6630/3400 to 6600/3400 to 6510/ 3500 to 6450/3540 to 6510/3600 to 6500/3830 to 6420/3900 to 6340/3820 to 6200/4045. 29/2 7025/1510 to 6930/1630 to 6850/1850 to 6810/2000 to 6730/2435 to 6700/3000 to 6600/ 3140 to 6450/3615 to 6440/3745. Concentration at the eastern boundary only 0.1. MARCH 1960 The average distance of the ice boundary from Cape Straumnes was ab. 80 miles. 10 j3 The ice boundary was observed from 6811/2212 to 6800/2400 to 6740/2500 to 6730/ 2730 to 6710/2900 to 6715/3045 to 6700/3200 to 6615/3230 to 6530/3400 to 6535/3530 to 6500/3630 to 6445/3745. 29/g From 6920/1800 to 6830/1930 to 6815/ 2120 to 6750/2400 to 6720/2450 to 6630/3030 to 6600/3140 to 6520/3600. APRIL 1960 The average distance of the ice boundary from Cape Straumnes was about 65 miles ivith a nearest approach of 53 miles. A field of open drift ice was sighted 14 miles off on April 27th. J/4 The ice boundary was observed from 6800/2300 to 6636/2445 to 6620/2630 to 6600/ 2700 to 6547/3000 to 6610/3020 to 6615/3120 to 6530/3550 to 6500/3730. «/.< From 7005/1620 to 6950/1730 to 6920/ 1750 to 6840/1850 to 6830/1850 to 6800/2030 to 6750/2230 to 6710/2520. Ice arranged in many small East-West belts. 20/4 From 6830/1900 to 6800/2300 to 6732/ 2310 and from 6545/3000 to 6450/3650. 22/4 Two icebergs 2 miles long(?) were sighted 4 miles NW of Cape Straumnes. (More probably a cluster of ice blocks). 23/4 An Icelandic trawler reports a belt of drift ice 21 mile magnetic WNW of mountain Deilcl. 28/4 A Scottish trawlér reports a consider- able belt of drií't ice about 65 N ancl between 27° ancl 28° W. 27/4 An 8 miles long belt of broken drift ice sighted 14 miles off Cape Straumnes. 20/4 From 6950/1640 to 6910/1700 to 6800/ 2100 to 6850/2130 to 6810/2210 to 6730/2410 to 6610/2915 to 6550/3030 to 6540/3025 to 6520/3130 to 6515/3340 to 6520/3500 to 6440/ 3615 to 6430/3715. MAY 1960 Tlie average distance of ice bounclary from Cape Straumnes was 60 miles with a nearest approach of 55 miles. 3—7/5 The ice bounclary was observd from 7010/1640 to 6900/1800 to 6820/1830 to 6810/ 1945 to 6800/2030 to 6800/2150 to 6740/2230 to 6700/2530 to 6520/3200. The ice boundary was uneven and the ice cover partly arranged in belts from E—W. ]°-i2/5 From 7140/1630 to 6945/1730 to 6840/2030 to 6820/2040 to 6755/2215 to 6750/ 2340 to 6730/2400 to 6605/2930 to 6605/3030 to 6455/3545 to 6450/3800 to 6415/3930. 19/5 From 7100/1630 to 6800/1900 to 6750/ 2300 to 6725/2440 to 6700/2435 to 6635/2600 to 6730/2700 to 6720/2720 to 6650/2715 to 6645/2900 to 6610/3030 to 6510/3500 to 6505/ 3800 to 6515/3830 continuing in a 5 to 30 miles broad, belt along the coast towarcls Cape Farewell. s<)/5 The Coastal Guard Ship Ægir reports an ice belt 4 miles NW of 6648/2712 and an ice margin or big ice field from pos. 6648/2712 running 25 miles N60°E true. JUNE 1960 The average distance of the ice boundary frotn Cape Straumnes was about 80 miles. c/e The ice boundary was observed from 6915/1815 to 6905/2100 to 6730/2500 to 6740/ 2515 to 6700/2730 to 6700/2930 to 6630/2940 to 6630/3215 to 6510/3530 to 6450/3730. 22/,. From 7100/1630 to 6940/1800 to 6850/ 2130 to 6840/2120 to 6730/2400. - Concentra- tiori along the bounclary was 0.4—0.6. 23/g Ægir reports ice margin at 6651/2315 running 310 true and from that position due E for 6 miles. Thence turning NE-wards. 28/e An air plane (TFKAA) reports open drift ice about 6653/1954. JULY 1960 The distance of ice boundary from Cape Slraumnes ivas aboui 65 miles. 25—26/,- a very uneven and broken 'ice boundary with a peculiar bulge S-wards be- tween 25° and 30° W running roughly from 7030/1930 to 7000/1930 to 6945/2030 to 7010/ 2200 to 6910/2430 to 6650/2530 to 6636/2700 to 6640/2930 to 6750/3130 to 6730/3230 to 28



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