
Jökull - 01.12.1979, Page 50

Jökull - 01.12.1979, Page 50
distances of tens of km before it appears on the surface along dykes or faults on the lowlands. The water withdraws heat from the regional heat flow during its passage through the strata. The high temperature areas are confined to or on the mar- gins of the active zones of rifting and volcanism, and are thought to draw heat both from the regional heat flow and from local accumulations of igneous intrusions cooling at a shallow level in the crust. LOW TEMPERATURE AREAS The crustal thickness of Iceland varies from 8 to 15 km, and the crustal structure is known in a considerable detail from geological and seismic surveys. The crust is formed almost entirely of ig- neous rocks. The uppermost 4 km or so are com- posed of subaerial lavas and much subordinate airborne tuffs in the Tertiary areas, but of subaerial lavas intercalated with morainic horizons and thick piles of subglacially erupted pillow lavas and hyaloclastites in the Plio-Pleistocene provinces, which flank the active volcanic zones (Fig. 1). Each eruptive unit is fed by a dyke, and consequently the dyke intensity increases with depth in the crust. Below 5 km or so the crust probably consists mostly of very low porosity impermeable intrusions. This layer (the oceanic layer, Vp = 6.5 km/s) may form the base to water circulation in the low tempera- ture areas. In the high temperature areas and other parts of the active rift zone the water may circulate down into the intrusive layer during its formation. A comparison of the deuterium content of the thermal water and the local precipitation in the individual areas has shown that the thermal water is of meteoric origin. In most cases it is precipitation which has fallen in the highlands. There the water manages to percolate deep into the bedrock and then, driven by the hydrostatic gradient, flows laterally for distances of tens and up to 150 km before it appears on the surface along dykes or faults on the lowlands. This model was originally proposed by Trausti Einarsson in 1942. The age of the thermal waters varies from a few decades to thousands or even tens of thousands of years, dep- ending on the distance between the hot spring areas and the recharge areas. Fig. 3 shows the general flow pattern of thermal groundwater systems according to deuterium measurements, with arrows joining the individual hot spring areas with possible recharge localities, superimposed on a geological map of Iceland. On basis of a comparison of the flow directions with hydrostatic pressure isolines of the country, the hot water appears to flow equally in every direction away from the highlands. A close comparison of the □ TERTIARY FLOOO 8ASALTS PLIO-PLEISTOCENE BASALTS ANO HYALOCLASTITES ACTIVE Z0NESOFRIFTING O THERMAL SPRINGS 45-IOO°C ANO VOLCANISM • THERMAL SPRINGS 20-45°C STRIKE / OIP --- DIRECTION OF MAJOR VALLEYS HIGH TEMPERATURE AREA ANDFJORDS Fig. 2. Geological map of Iceland showing the dis- tribution of natural geother- mal activity, and the direc- tion of major erosional features (valleys and fjords). The volcanic strata dip towards but age away from the active volcanic zones. High temperature areas (with temperatures above 200 °C in the uppermost 1 km) are confined to the active zones of rifting and volcanism. The low temper- ature activity is most intense in areas where the major erosional directions are approximately parallel with the geological strike. (Slightly modified from Fridleifsson, 1978). 48 JÖKULL 29. ÁR
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