Jökull - 01.12.1982, Blaðsíða 13
In spite of such negative conclusions about the
possibility of determining where nunataks existed,
n must, however, be considered rather probable
that high peaks close to the shelf slope - and there
are several areas with such a topography — might
have remained ahxjve the surface of the ice sheet.
Climadc conditions there must have been very
harsh, however, making thechances ofsurvival ofa
dora and fauna rather slim.
f inally a few words about the fundamental quest-
ton of the timeof the maximum ofthe iast inland ice
sheet over Iceland. The rather well preserved glaci-
al features and the rapid land upheaval suggest a
late VVeichselian glaciation; Norddahl (1981, p. 476)
refers to the earlier assumption that the maximum
extent occurred 18,000 BP. His own investigations
m Fnjóskadalur, however, may open the possibility
ofgreaterages, at least for northem Iceland.
van Bemmelen, R.IV. and M.G. Rutten, 1955: Table-
mountains of northern Iceland. E.J. Brill,
Leiden, 217 pp.
Einarsson, E.H. 1970: Um hugsanleg íslaus svaedi í
Mýrdal. Náttúrufraedingurinn 39: 251-257.
Einarsson, Th. 1967: Zu der Ausdehnung der weichs-
elzeitlichen Vereisung Nordislands. Sonderver-
öff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln 13. 167-173.
— 1968: Jardfraedi. Saga bergs og lands. Mál og
menning, Reykjavík, 335 pp.
Hoþþe, G. 1968: Grímsey and the maximum extent
of the last glaciation of Iceland. Geograftska
Annaler50A: 16-24.
— 1971: Nordvasteuropas inlandsisar under den
sista istiden - nágra glimtar frán ett forsknings-
program. Svensk Naturvetenskap 1971: 31—4G.
Kjartansson, G. 1955: Fródlegar jökulrákir. Náttúru-
fraedingurinn 25: 154—171.
— 1962: Jökulminjar á hálsum milli Berufjardar og
Hamarsfjardar. Náttúrufraedingurinn 32:83-92.
Lindroth, C. 1931: Die Insektenfauna Islands und
ihre Probleme. Zool. Bidragfr. Uppsala 13: 105-
— 1963: The problem of late connections in
the north Atlantic area. In: Löve, A. and D. Löve,
(eds): North Atlantic biota and their history:
Löve, Á. and D. Löve, (eds.), 1963: North Atlantic
biota and their history. Pergamon Press, 430 pp.
Museum oj Natural History: Geological map of Ice-
land. Sheets 1 (1969), 2 (1968), 3 (1960; 1980), 6
(1962), 7 (1977).
Norddahl, H. 1981: A prediction ofminimumage for
the VVeichselian maximum glaciation in North
Iceland. Boreas 10: 471-476.
Olajsdóttir, Th. 1974: Um botnlögun landgrunnsins í
og undan Breidafirdi. Unpublished B.S. dissert-
ation, Univ. Iceland, 21 pp.
Thorarinsson, S. 1937: The main geological and topo-
graphical features oflceland. Geografiska Ann-
aler 19: 161-175.
Thoroddsen, Th. 1906: Island. Gmndriss der Geo-
graphie und Geologie. Petermanns Mitt., Er-
gánzungsh. 152 und 153. 358 pp.
Manuscriþt accepted 15 May 1982
Gunnar Hoþþe, Stokkhólmsháskóla
Jökulmenjar á ystu annesjum og eyjum sýna að
öll strandlengja íslands hefur verið hulin jökli.
Víða sjást merki þess að jökullinn hefur verið svo
þykkur að hann hefur skriðið út á landgrunnið og
sums staðar þakið þar stór svæði. Þó verður að
telja líklegt að háir tindar og hryggir hafi skagað
upp úr ísbreiðunni, einkum þar sem landgrunns-
ræman er mjó. Hinar vel varðveittu jökulmenjar
og hið hraða landris bendir til þess að jökulskjöld-
urinn hafi verið stærstur seint á síðastajökulskeiði.
JÖKULL 32. ÁR 11