
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 19

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 19
°r less in the Eyvindará andSeyðisfjörðurareas. An estimated total of 2000 km! has been eroded from above the 850 m surface. THE 650 M EROSION SURFACE A 650 m erosion surface is developed on the gently undulating plateau of Fljótsdalsheiði bet- ween Fljótsdalur and Jökuldalur (Fig. 4) rising above 700 m at only one point. The large rivers flow across the area in deep glaciated valleys, and isolat- ed mountains of accumulation such as Snaefell, built by intraglacial eruptions, rise well above the 650 m surface. A 650 m summit level is poorly developed on the ridges near the eastern fringes of the Austfirðir, for example on either side of Borgarfjörður, north of Seyðisfjörður, and near Viðfjörður. In addition a few ílat-topped ridges and mountainside benches are seen in the middle of Austfirðir, notably Fossár- fell (west of the head of Berufjörður) and west of Seyðisfjörður. The total amount of downcutting to the 650 m surface was 1000 m west of Berufjörður, 800 m at Viðfjörður and Breiðdalsvík, 600 m at Seyðisfjörð- ur, about 400 m at the Lagarfljót and 100 m at the western limit of the map, and the total rock eroded from above it is estimated at2800 km!. LOWER SURFACES Between the lower parts of Fljótsdalur and Jökul- dalur the 650 m surface descends rather abruptly to an ill-defined undulating surface at about 200 m, a similar surface is found west of the Smjörfjall, and a bench at about 200 m is often found in the Austfirðir especially at or near the seaward end of a promont- ory as at Djúpivogur. These may be remnants of an ill-defined 200 m surface. A prominent postglacial raised beach is encount- ered at 40 to 50 m above sea level as a terrace at the head ofeach fjord, and as deltas where side streams enter fjords. The broad terrace at Breiðdalsvík was Fig. 5. Geomorphology of a typical section of the Austfirðir, that around the head of Reyðarfjörður. Mynd 5. Landmótun á dœmigerðum hluta AustJjarða. Alluvium Raised beach gravels ■ Probable river course on 650 m. surface Wind gap resulbing from river capture ■ Land above 650 m. > 650 m' i 850 m. i ilOO m. Remnants o-f ■ erosion surfaces 'w' «25 Corrie Glacier Moraine j ð K Ð U R JÖKULL 32. ÁR 17
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