
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 20

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 20
probably in part a gravel bar enclosing a shallow lagoon. These raised beaches may be attributed to adjustments at the end of the last glacial period rather than to the kind oflong-term uplift ofeastem Iceland which is recorded by the high level erosion surfaces of the Austfirðir. THE RIVER PATTERN The main watershed of the Austfirðir lies on aver- age 5 to 10 km west of the axis of the main moun- tains mass, Fig. 4. It is likely that originally the main watershed coincided with the mountain axis, but at a later stage vigorous down-cutting by the shorter and steeper east-ílowing streams resulted in capture of the headwaters of many of the westem streams, so shifting the watershed westwards. Ex- amples of river capture are evident for example north of the head of Reyðarfjörður, Fig. 5, and the resulting dry cols or “wind gaps” lie at or below 650 m, suggesting that river capture followed uplift of the 650 m surface and was due to the cycle of erosion which was thereby initiated. One consequence of this rejuvenation was the capture of many of the northílowing rivers of the Eyvindará system. An east-flowing river in what is now Reyðarfjörður successively captured the head- waters of the following: 1. The Tunguá - now the Eskifjarðará (with wind gap at 645 m) 2. The Eyvindará- now the Búðará (607 m) 3. The Fagradalsá — now the Geithúsaá and Stuðlaá (445 m) 4. The Skógdalsá and southern part of the Fagra- dalsá (325 m) 5. The Skógdalsá — captured by a tributary of the Stuðlaá (325 m) The headwaters of the Eyrarteigsá, Brúðardalsá Fig. 6. Series of schematic west-east profiles across the Austfirðir and inland plateau showing evolutionary stages. Mynd 6. Þróun landslags á þversniði gegnum Austjirði. 18 JÖKULL 32. ÁR
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