
Jökull - 01.12.1982, Side 24

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Side 24
THE E FFECTS AND TIME SCALE OFTHE PLEISTOCENE GLACIATION IN ICELAND The long periods of heavy glaciation of Iceland during the past 2 to 3 million years must have interfered greatly with ground water hydrology on the island. Of particular importance in the present context is the last period ofglaciation that extended over about 10 5 years (Dansgaard et al. 1969) and ended only 104 years ago. Ground water recharge must have been quite limited during this period and hydrothermal circulation may have been severely curtailed. Another important hydrological effect may have resulted from the relatively rapid rate of reduction of the surface l<fad at the end of the glaciation peri- od. The deglaciation generated a differential up- warping of the island such that the central parts rose about 100 m relative to the coastal regions. This process can have taken place during a few 103 years only and is likely to have resulted in major scale fracturing of crustal formations. Subsurface permeability to water may have been enhanced quite substantially. Considering this sequence of events, it is by no means improbable that the rapid deglaciation was an important milestone in the development of geo- thermal systems in Iceland. Many, and possibly most, of the presently active LT systems in Iceland may thus have been activated only 104 years ago (Bodvarsson, 1980). Compared to the above processes, the relaxation times for thermal conduction anomalies are quite long. For example, to reach a quasiequilibrium on the spatial scale of one kilometer, times of a few 104 years are r equired, and the figure for 10 kilometers is a few 106 years. In view of the rapid dynamics of the surface processes, the length of the thermal relaxation times indicate quite clearly that local steady state crustal conduction temperature fields are quite improbable in the Icelandic environment. Moreover, it is of interest to note that heavy glacial erosion has carved out long deep valleys and fjords. The rate of erosion is uncertain, but the time scale involved has no doubt been of the order of 105 years rather than 10b years. An important combin- ed effect of the rapid erosion and the long thermal relaxtion times is the resulting anomalous subsur- face temperature field in such regions as the Eyja- fjordur in the North. The magnitude of the purely conductive temperature anomaly can be estimated (Bodvarsson 1950) but there are uncertainties result- ing from advective/convective effects due to the flow of subsurface waters. Finally, it is of some interest to mention that the deglaciadon 104 years ago has affected the subsur- face crustal stress field, in particular, below the deep glacial valleys. Since ffacture spaces ofonly 1 millimeter aperture are important in the geo- thermal scenario, it is not inconceivable that the stress reduction has affected the subsurface thermal hydrology. THE ENERGY SUPPLY OF THE LOVV T EM P ERATURE ACTIVITY The total integrated mass output of the LT springs in Iceland is now estimated at 1800 kg/s (iSaemundsson and Fridleifsson 1980). Assuming an average temperature of 80°C the total rate of energy dissipation by the LT springs is about 0.6 GVV (one GVV = 109VV). It is evident that this figuredoes not include dissipation due to subsurface flow losses and locally elevated conduction surface heat flow in the thermal areas. VVe can only surmise that the actual total dissipation figure is well above 0.6 GVV and probably no less than 1 to 2 GVV. Moreover, since the LT activity is restricted to parts of the island, only a fraction of the total estimated con- duction heat current of 15 GVV (Bodvarsson 1982a) would be available for heat supply. In fact, Bjornsson (1980) assumes that the total conduction current available within the recharge region of the LT activ- ity is only 5 GVV. Since the rate of actual heat recovery depends very critically on the subsurface pattern of flow, only some fraction of the available current can actually be recovered. Finally, on the steady state model, one would have to expect that the water issued by the springs is only a leak from a larger flow of water from the highlands out to the ocean. Hence, it is likejy that more heat is being taken up than indicated by the output of the springs. At this juncture, we havenomeans ofquantifying the conjectured energy currents, but it would appear that the steady state model for the entire LT activity is energetically somewhat marginal and hence a less likely proposition. ROCK/VVATER HEAT TRANSFER IN THE ICELANDIC ENVIRONMENT Iceland is built up almost entirely of a series of flood basalts with interbedded layers of sediments, 22 JÖKULL 32. ÁR
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