
Jökull - 01.12.1982, Side 27

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Side 27
Fig. 1. The geothermal field at Reykholtsdalur in Borgar- fjördur. (From Saemundsson and Fridleifsson, 1980). Mynd 1. Jarðhitasvœðið í Reyk- holtsdal. en in the sketch in Fig. 1. The total integrated flow of all springs is about 400 kg/s with a temperature of 80°C to 100°C. The base temperature of the system is probably 130°C (Bodvarsson 1979). Using this fig- ure as the eflective temperature of the thermal water being generated, the total dissipation of heat by the Reykholtsdalur system is found to be 220 MW. Since this result does not include any subsurface fiow losses, the figure is probably a low estimate. Arnason (1976) has traced the recharge of the system to the highland 40 to 50 km to the east of the area. The recharge is indicated in Fig. 2. Because of the great power of the Reykholtsdalur system it is of interest to estimate the physical dimensions of the rock/water heat transfer struc- tures that are required to support the dissipation of heat in the area. For this purpose, we will apply the concepts and relations presented in the previous section. Moreover, leaning on the arguments set forth above, it appears appropriate to assume that any transient heating state was initiated about 104 years ago. In view of the possibilities for elevated subsurface temperatures inthis region (Saemundsson and Noll 1974), the regional vertical temperature gradient is taken to be g = 80°C/m. The procedures involved are straight forward and it is therefore convenient to present the results as in Table 1. JÖKULL 32. ÁR 25 DISCUSSION Table 1 includes the essential results with regard to the Reykholtsdalur system. Clearly, since the heat transfer models applied represent idealiza- tions, the data have to be viewed with proper caut- ion. In particular, the single pipe model is pure idealization of doubtful geological relevance. How- ever, it is instructive to observe that the single pipe is Fig. 2. Estimated location of the recharge of the Reykholtsdalur system. Mynd 2. Upþrunasvteði jarðhitavatnsins í Reykholtsdal.
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