
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 55

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 55
Fig. 2. Topographical map of the Trjávidarlækur basin. Roman numbers indicate the location of the profiles (Fig. 4). BH 16 is a drillhole. Mynd 2. Landslag við Trjáviðarliek. Rómverskar tölur sýna staðsetningu sniða (Mynd 4). BH 16 er borhola. in of the area shown in Fig. 1. They are far smaller in volume and areal extent than the Tungnárhraun lavas and maximum length is about 10 km. 2.3 Tephra. Characteristic for the area are thick beds of tephra which originated in big Plinian eruptions of Hekla (Thorarinsson 1958, Larsen and Thorarinsson 1977). The uneven surface of the lava plains is smoothed by the tephra beds, and depress- ions in the bedrock and the mountain slopes are covered with thick sheets of tephra. Tephra of a known age is an excellent chronological tool. The tephra is found either in a primary condition or reworked, as will be discussed in the next chapter. Thin tephra layers from more distant volcanoes like Katla and Vatnaöldur are also found. 2.4 Organic soil. The term is used here for org- anic silt, and especially peat which is found in abundance in the Trjáviðarlækur basin. description of profiles The soil profiles measured are found in the banks of the Trjáviðarlækur channel (Fig. 2). The under- lying rock seen upstream in the channel is tillite (Fig. 5). A schematic section along the channel is shown in Fig. 3, and the four measured profiles are shown in Fig. 4. Profiles I and II show the upper part of the series, and profiles III and IV show the lower part. Layer oj sand with gravel. Lowest in the sediment sequence is a layer ofsand with gravel, which can be seen in profiles III and IV in Fig. 4 and in Figs. 6 and 7. Cross bedding is common. The sand grains are mostly fragments of glass, but plagioclase and even olivine crystals are also conspicuous. The gravel pebbles are most often subrounded basalt rock fragments. The sand is unconsolidated except l'or the uppermost few meters, which seem to have been cemented to some degree by bog iron. Organic sandy silt. Overlying the sand is a layer of organic silt and sand, generally 0.5-1 m thick. It has a rather indistinct horizontal bedding with al- ternating silty/sandy layers (Profiles III and IV in Fig. 4). In the silty parts, fresh-water diatoms are found in abundance. In the upstream end of the channel, a 3 cm thick peat layeris imbedded (Pro- file III in Fig. 4), and a sample taken for radio- carbon dating gave the age of8,950 years BP (Table 1). The datings were carried out by Dr. Ingrid JÖKULL 32. ÁR 51
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