
Jökull - 01.12.1982, Síða 88

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Síða 88
GEOTHERMAL ACTIVITY IN THE EYJAFJÖRDUR AREA Natural discharge of warm water is widespread in the area around the bay of Eyjafjördur (see Fig. 1). The hot springs yield rather sparingly, on aver- age less that 1 1/s. A yield less than 1 1/s is common and 3 1/s is an absolute maximum. Hot water has been used for a long time many places in the region for house heating and bathing. Geothermal drilling in the area started in 1933. Before the 1974 oil crisis plans of general geother- mal house heating in this region had been given up as unprofitable. After 1974 geothermal prospecting has been intensified in the area as the need of long piping systems, expensive drillings and the use of poor production areas are more feasible now than previously. The town of Akureyri is now almost totally heated by geothermal water. Water is how- ever short and extensive research still goes on in the area. The temperature of the natural discharge is up to 90°C, but most commonly below 50°C. The max- imum water temperature measured at depth is just over 100°C in the Laugaland area. So far there are four production areas in the region: Laugaland, Ytri-Tjarnir, Botn and Glerárgil (Fig. 1). 'Fhe aquifer depths are difierent in each area, but no major aquifer is found at greater depth than 1700 m. In the Laugaland area the main aquifer is cut at 600 - 1500 m depth with water temperature 92 - 96°C. A smaller shallow aquifer is encountered at 200 — 300 m depth with water temperature about 60°C. At Ytri-Tjarnir the main aquifer is cut at 800 — 1500 m and the water temperature is 75-82°C. A shallow colder aquifer was also encountered in this area. In Botn the water in the main aquifer is around 85°C. A hotter aquifer, near to 100°C, is cut belowatabout 1700mdepth. InGlerárgil thewater temperature is about 55°C. The geothermal water in Eyjafjördur is believed to draw its heat from a regional heat source i.e. have been slowly heated as the water flows through the hot bedrocks. From the ð D map of Arnason (1976) the water appears to have its origin in the north- western part of Vatnajökull and the mountains north of Vatnajökull. From there it is believed to have flown northwards in permeable layers at depths down to 3 km. In the Eyjafjördur valley itself the rocks are Tert- iary lava formations, 8—10 m.y. old (Björnsson et.al. 1978). Alteration at sea level in the valley corre- sponds to the mesolite - scolecite alteration zone and the rocks are therefore rather impermeable. The nature of the aquifers is not known, but it is believed that at least the upflow is governed by tectonic features as crossing dykes or faults. The 7- / loq NoVh+’^y5- +0,125 / '/ */v -V - •7 - • • .V • V. - / •• / ’ b) / 2.5 3.0 1000/ T Fig. 2. a) Calcite saturation in geothermal water from Eyjafjördur. b) Log. Na+/H+ against 100/T in the geothermal water from Eyjafjördur. Mynd 2. a) Kalkmettun jarbhilavatns í Eyjafirði. b) Virknihlutfall natríum og vetnisjóna miðað við hitastig (1000/T) íjarðhitavatni úr Eyjafirði. 84 JÖKULL 32. ÁR
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