
Jökull - 01.12.1982, Side 92

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Side 92
STABLE ISOTOPES IN THE GEOTHERMAL WATER In Figs. 5a and b are shown the 8 D and 8 18 values measured in the geothennal waters in the Eyjafjördur region. A few of the 8 D values used are from Arnason (1976), but the rest is measured in the same samples as analysed in the present study. A total of some 40 8 D values is used in this presen- tation. 8 18 is measured in about 85 samples allow- ing much more detailed interpretation of the results than of the 8 D. The 8 D against 8 18 is shown in Fig. 6. A „best-fit“ line for the points falls near the meteoric line (Dansgaard 1964) and is displaced as compared to the best-fit line for precipitation in Iceland (Amason 1976). Points plotting between those two lines are considered to have resonable values not affected by water-rockreaction. The dis- tinct displacement towards line a (Fig. 6) might be due to a high age of the water also supported by the very low values. In view of the sparingly yield of the springs and the slow recharge in the production areas this is not unlikely. The mean 8 D for the regions is -5- 99 ± 4 %o in springs and drillholes. The only waters which de- viate significantly from this range are from the springs in Hólsgerdi and Ytri-Strjúgsá. The water in the Ytri-Strjúgsá spring can have derived its 8 D from dilution of the same geothermal water with local ground-water which has 8 D about -t- 86 %o (Arnason 1976). The Hólsgerdi water has definitely a diflerent origin than water in other springs in the region. 8 18 in the springs in northern part of Eyja- fjördur is -5- 13.3 ± 0.6 %o and -i- 13.3 ± 0.5 in samples from springs and drillholes. In southem part of the region 8 18 is -r 13.3 ± 0.7 %o. Samples fromEast of the river Eyjafjardará give 8 18 = -r- 13.2 ± 0.5 %o and -h 13.5 ± 0.4 %o West of the river. Only water from the Hólsgerdi and Ytri- Strjúgsá fall significantly out of the range of those means values. The measured 8 18 in two cold springs from the area was -t- 11.65 %o and -r 12.6 %o in the river Eyjafjardará. The Ytri-Strjúgsá sample thus could be a mixture of local ground- water and water of the same 8 18 as the geothermal water feeding the northern part of the region where- as the Hólsgerdi water must havean origin different from the main reservoir. Precipitation with such isotopic composition falls nowhere in Iceland at present. Reaction with rocks would not result in water enriched in the lighter isotopes. The most likely explanation is thus that the water is older than ten thousand years (see Arnason 1976). The much more numerous measurements of8 18 than 8 D permits as mentioned previously a more detailed interpretation. The mean 8 18 values from the Ytri-Tjarnir and Laugaland areas Fa.ll within the range of the mean value for the region. When separate samples are compared significant differ- ences in 8 18 values between those two areas app- ear and by depth in the Laugaland area. Separate aquifers were sampled in the drillholes both while they were still free-flowing (in 1977) and after the waterlevel had been lowered by pumping (in 1979). Several samples from well heads were analysed both of free flowing and pumped water sampled from 1977 to 1981. The results from those analysis are shown in Fig. 7. In the free flowing wells there is found a difference of about -s- 1 in the 8 18 in waters from the main aquifers in Laugaland drillholes on one side and Ytri-Tjarnir and a drillhole (poorly productive) at Grísará just north of Botn. Water from the deepest aq uifer on Laugaland has the same value ot ð 18 as the two other areas mentioned. Aquifers between this lowest one and the main producing zone have values in between. Samples taken in the deepest drillhole after the water level had been lowered by pumping have intermediate 8 18 values, indicating circulation within the drill- hole and little inflow. The samples of free flowing Fig. 6. 8 D against 8 18 for geothermal water in Eyjafjördur. Line a represents the meteoric line (Dansgárd 1964). Line b represents the “best-fit” line for precipitation in Iceland (Arnason 1976). Mynd 6. Tvívetnishlutfall (8 D) á móti súrefnisísotópa- hlutfalli (8 18) í jarðhitavatni í Eyjafirði. Lína a er tengilína fyrir regnvatn á norðurhveli jarðar og lína b er tengilína fyrir regnvatn á Islandi. 88 JÖKULL 32. ÁR
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