
Jökull - 01.12.1982, Síða 93

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Síða 93
Fig. 7. 6 18 against depth in samples from drill- holes in Eyjafjördur. Mynd 7. Súrefnisísotópahlutfall (b 18) í vatnssýnum úr borholum í Eyjafirði. water and pumped water give 8 18 of about -f- 13 in the Laugaland drillholes and about H- 14 in the two other areas. The results strongly suggest that the Laugaland area is fed by two reservoirs and the one feeding the deep aquifer also feeds the two other areas to the north and west of Laugaland. The reservoirs are geochemically very similar and their recharge areas are close to each other. CONCLUSION The recharge area of the geothermal water in the northern Eyjafjördur region appears from study of stable isotopes to be the North western part of the glacier Vatnajökull. Geothermal water in one spring area in southern Eyjafjördur (Hólsgerdi) has a defmitely diíferent origin and is probably older than ten thousand years. The other springs in southern Eyjafjördur are fed by water of similar stable isotopic composition as the springs in the northern part of the region. In a few of the colder springs mixing with local groundwater, is reflected by the stable isotope values. On basis of a detailed study of 8 18 measure- ments of water samples from drillholes there appear to be two separate reservoirs feeding the geothermal areas in the northern Eyjafjördur region. The upp- er> main aquifers in the Laugaland area are fed by one reservoir and the Ytri-Tjarnir and western Eyjaíjördur areas (Grísará) by another. The slugg- 'sh yielding deep aquifers in the Laugaland area appear to be fed by the same reservoir as Ytri— Tjamir and western Eyjafjördur. No significant dif- ference in dissolved solids has been detected bet- ween those two reservoirs. Two springs in the northern Eyjafjördur show characteristic difference from mean values ofCl and Cl/B. Samples from all other springs are chemically very similar. In southern Eyjafjördur the chemistry of the wat- ers is much more varying than in the northern part of the region. The springs are fed by at least three different reservoirs and one of them is chemically similar, and could be the same, as the one feeding the springs in the northern part of the Eyjafjördur region. The chemical geothermometer found to be most useful in the Eyjafjördur waters is the Na-K geo- thermometer based on thermodynamic data from Helgeson (1969). The empirical Na-K and Na-K-Ca geothermometers showed poor fit with measured deep temperature. The chalcedony geothermomet- er gives consistently too low deep temperatures. REFERENCES Amason, B. 1976: Groundwater systems in Iceland traced by deuterium. Soc. Sci. Islandica, Occa- sional publ. 42, 236 pp. Amórsson, S., E. Gunnlaugsson and H. Svavarsson 1982: The chemistry of geothermal waters in Iceland. III. Chemical geothermometry in geothermal investigations, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. in press. Björnsson, A., K. Stemundsson, S. Einarsson, F. Thorar- insson, S. Amórsson, H. Kristmannsdóttir, A. Guð- mundsson, B. Steingrímsson and P. Thorsteinsson 1978: A mimeographed report on the status of research in the Eyjafjördur region, OS-7827, 139 pp. Björnsson, A., 1981: Exploration of low-temperature geothermal fields for district heating in Akur- eyri, North Iceland. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, 5: 495-498. Dansgaard, W. 1964: Stableisotopes in precipitation. Tellus 16: 436-468. Ellis, A.J. and W.A.J. Mahon 1977: Chemistry and geothermal systems. Academic Press, N.Y., 392 pp. Fournier, R.O. and A.H. Truesdell 1973: An empirical Na-K-Ca geothermometer for natural waters. Geochim. etCosmochim. Acta, 37: 1255-1275. Kristmannsdóttir, H. and J. Tómasson 1978: Zeolite zones in geothermal areas in Iceland. Natural JÖKULL 32. ÁR 89
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