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Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 101

Jökull - 01.12.1982, Qupperneq 101
region, another team from Utrecht was sampling for paleomagnetic measurements on the east side of Eyjafjördur. Its work does not appear to have been published in detail; some preliminary results are quoted by Rutlen and Veldkamp (1964), and a polarity sequence is shown by Hebeda et al. (1974). It in- cludes a thick (1600 m) normal series of lavas bet- ween Dalsmynni and Steinsskarð. 15 K-Ar dates reported by Hebeda etal. from this area are scatter- ed within the range of7-15 M. y. R. R. DOELL R. R. Doell of the U. S. G. S.,a pioneer in paleo- magnetic researchin the western U.S., sampled 107 lavas in Iceland in 1964. These included 44 lavas in I jömes and 35 in Snaefellsnes, the remainder being late interglacial and Recent. Doell had developed the first efiicient diamond core drill for extensive field use, and his sampling was very thorough, generally with 8 widely spaced samples per llow. Due to delays in K-Ar dating attempts ( which proved unsuccessful ), his detailed paleomagnetic results were published several years later (Doell 1972). Doell’s data on Icelandic postglacial flows appear to be very reliable although he prefers to report only NRM directions from many ofthese. However, they do not fit well with the pole path drawn earlier by Brynjólfsson (1957), and 2()th century lavas of these investigators and Hospers do not yield poles close to the present (IGRF) magnetic pole for Iceland. The reason for this is probably to be found in the pres- ence of strong magnetic anomalies in Iceland, from scales of tens of km (lineations) to km (individual volcanic centers), tensofm (local topography) and m (irregularities surface relief and remanence in- tensity in the flow itselfand underlying flow during cooling). Other effects, such as the movement of large rafts of these flows after solidification, may also play a part. Further directional data from postglacial Icelandic lavas were reported by Schweitzer and Soffel (1980), but their samples were largely oriented in declination by magnetic com- pass only. In Snaefellsnes, Doell (1972) found that some lavas given as normal by Hospers (1953b, 1954c) in Stöð and Búlandsgil, were actually ofreverse prim- ary magnetization. Heconfirms, however, the nor- mal polarity ofsome lavas in Mávahlíð sampled by Hospers. Jóhannesson (1980) has compiled results from extensive stratigraphic and polarity measure- ments in Snaefellsnes and finds that the Tertiary- Quaternary unconformity there spans millions of years, contrary to speculative assumptions by Doell (1972, p. 470). Doell’s measurements on lavas from Tjörnes are summarized in Einarsson et al. (1967). The Tjörnes sequence is difficult to interpret unambiguously in terms of global biostratigraphic and geomagnetic time scales (see review by Eiríksson (1980)) but the bottom flows of the Höskuldsvík lavas are most likely older than the Kaena event in age. According to Hospers (1953a, fig. 35) the upper part of the underlying main sedimentary sequence is normally magnetized but the lower part is reverse. This may indicate that the sediments were deposited near the Gauss-Gilbert boundary, but Soviet magnetic mea- surements on these sediments (quoted by Eiríksson 1980) are not quite in agreement with those of Hospers. It would be useful to carry out careful sampling of the Tjörnes beds and the underlying lavas to ascertain theiroriginal magnetic polarity. Doell brought with him to Iceland in 1964 a portable fluxgate magnetometer which had recently been developed by him and A. V. Cox. He kindly allowed Icelandic scientists to borrow this instru- ment; with Doell's permission an improved model was marketed in the following year by Rafagna- tækni Ltd. of Reykjavík. Fluxgate meters havesince then been used extensively in local stratigraphic mapping in Iceland. IMPERIAL COLLEGE/LIVERPOOL GROUP -GENERAL PALEOMAGNETISM Around 1950 P.M.S. Blackett had developed a very sensitive magnetometer, soon found to be an excellent instrument for paleomagnetic research. One of his students at Imperial College, R. L. VVil- son from Ontario, did a paleomagnetic study of Antrim basalts mapped by G. P. L. VValker of that College. In 1964 VVilsonbegan paleomagnetic sampling in Iceland in collaboration with T. Sigurgeirsson and T. Einarsson. I'he first part of this effort covered profiles in SVV-Iceland mapped by Einarsson, the second part (1964-65) covered a section through the lava pile in E-Iceland where VValker had already provided an entirely new picture of volcanic and tectonic processes by lús mapping. VVilson’s 1964 party included P. Dagley from JÖKULL 32. ÁR 97
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