Iðjuþjálfinn - 01.06.2001, Blaðsíða 31

Iðjuþjálfinn - 01.06.2001, Blaðsíða 31
elderly? Are there differences in the atti- tudes and beliefs toward autonomy and paternalism of older persons living in senior housing complexes and of those living in their homes in the community? Score means, means, standard deviations and percentages describe the beliefs of the elderly toward autonomy and pater- nalism, T-tests, chi-square computations were used to see if significant differences existed between groups. • Results: In this study the Icelandic elderly from the greater Reykjavik area supported autonomy and held neutral beliefs toward patemalism in general and in all subtypes and caregiving situa- tions. Significant differences were found between the two elderly groups. Elderly living at home indicated stronger beliefs on the autonomy scale compared to those living in senior housing complexes. Elderly women held stronger beliefs in autonomy, while elderly men held stronger paternalistic beliefs than did the women. Married subjects were more autonomous than were the single respon- dents. Senior housing elders were gener- ally older and in poorer health, and in lower economical and occupational situa- tions. • Discussion: Much is yet to be explored since little or no research exists in Iceland on autonomy and paternalism or caregiving issues in general. It remains to be seen if trends found in this study will remain or change in the context of the rapid cultural changes occurring par- ticularly in the urban Reykjavík area. It may be interesting to examine if beliefs in autonomy and paternalism change at certain points in life. Future research is also needed to determine if the expecta- tions of the elderly change as their health becomes poorer, if there are differences in beliefs between different age groups of elderly and if there are differences in autonomous beliefs between caregiving dyads. Turning from the elder to the caregiver, it is also important to consider the respect for the autonomy of the care- givers and the caregivers'rights also need to be studied. The cultural concept of caregiving also needs to be defined, espe- cially in context to the shared reciprocity within the Icelandic family. For instance, where does shared reciprocity end and caregiving begin? Without understanding and knowl- edge of elderly autonomy it would be difficult for health care professionals to give relevant support to their elderly clients. In order to add to the knowledge base of Icelandic occupational therapy it is recommended that autonomy and paternalism in relation to caregiving of the elderly be included in the academic program and continuing education for Icelandic occupational therapists and occupational therapy students. Höfundur er iðjuþjálfi MS og starfar sem forstöðuiðjuþjálfi á Landspítala háskólasjúkrahúsi í Fossvogi Heimildaskrá Abramson, M. (1985). 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