Fréttablaðið - 03.09.2016, Page 50

Fréttablaðið - 03.09.2016, Page 50
Lúkas D. Karlsson tannlæknavörur óska eftir einstaklingi/fyrirtæki til að taka að sér þjónustu og viðhald á tannlæknastólum og tannlæknabúnaði. Umsækjendur hafi samband í Epal leitar eftir starfsfólki Umsóknir óskast sendar fyrir 11. september, á netfangið: Nánari upplýsingar veitir Elísabet Guðmundsdóttir í síma 568-7733 Leitum að drífandi starfsmanni með reynslu af skrifstofustörfum í 75% starfshlutfall í Skeifunni 6. Vinnutími er frá ca. 9-14:30 alla virka daga. Helstu starfssvið eru: · Dagleg söluuppgjör · Tollskýrslugerð · Birgðaskráning · Almenn skrifstofustörf · Aðstoð við bókara · Önnur tilfallandi verkefni Leitum að jákvæðum einstaklingi sem hefur góða þjónustulund og mikla skipulagshæfileika auk þess að geta unnið sjálfstætt. · Tiltekt pantana · Umsjón með vörulager · Almenn lagerstörf · Vörumóttaka og frágangur Við leitum að sölustjóra, til eins árs, vegna fæðingarorlofs starfsmanns. Viðkomandi þarf að hafa ríka þjónustulund, lipurð og hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum. Góða skipulagshæfileika, sýna sjálf- stæði og metnað í vinnubrögðum sem og brennandi áhuga á hönnun. · Vörustjórnun, umsjón með innkaupum og birgðahaldi frá erlendum og innlendum birgjum smá- og gjafavöru. · Sölustjóri ber ábyrgð á að viðskiptavinir fái bestu mögulegu þjónustu. · Sala, afgreiðsla og ráðgjöf til viðskiptavina · Yfirumsjón með skipulagningu gjafa- og smávörulagers. · Vörumóttaka og skipulagning gjafavörulagers. Á SKRIFSTOFU Á LAGER Í GJAFAVÖRUDEILD Marorka is the leading global provider of data-driven energy management and operational performance solutions for the maritime industry. We enable our customers to reduce fuel consumption, cut emissions and increase fleet performance. Our headquarters are in Reykjavik, Iceland, and we have offices in Denmark, Germany, Singapore and The United Arab Emirates. Borgartun 26 105 Reykjavik Iceland Tel. (+354) 582 We create solutions that matter! Please submit applications to by 10 September 2016. For more information about these positions, please contact Heiða Lára Heiðarsdóttir ENERGY MANAGEMENT ADVISOR Marorka is looking for an Energy Management Advisor to join our growing international team of consultants. Responsibilities: • Translating customer needs into relevant and executable fleet performance solutions • Defining KPI structure and designing customized dashboards with customers • Supporting Marorka’s fleet performance center • Advising other departments on data analysis • Communicating customer feedback Requirements: • Bacheloŕ s degree in engineering or similar field required, masteŕ s degree preferred • Minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience • Analytical mindset with ability to break down problems • Experience with one or more programming language is an advantage This position requires some travelling. Please submit CV in English. DEVELOPERS We’re looking for experienced developers seeking challenging work to join our R&D team. Responsibilites: • Evolve architecture and technology stack • Assist with clarifying requirements and release planning • Write quality code using test-driven methods to ensure maintainability • Contribute to our continuous improvement efforts Requirements: • 5+ years work experience • Skilled in .NET (C#) development and SQL • Experience in unit testing frameworks, TDD and UI testing • Passionate about software quality • Good communicator, eager to learn and share professional knowledge DEVOPS ENGINEER As demands for our systems are growing fast we’re looking for a skilled DevOps Engineer. Responsibilites: • Work closely with our development teams to minimize deployment effort and maximize reliability of our solutions • Monitor application and system health and respond to problems as they arise • Develop and manage our cloud infrastructure (AWS & Azure) • Develop our Marorka Onboard technology platform (Windows Server & SQL Server) Requirements: • Experience with cloud infrastructure, AWS and Azure in particular • Experience with Windows Server & SQL Server administration • Solid networking knowledge • Skillful in SQL • Excellent problem solving skills We’re in many of the world’s largest ships, saving fuel and lowering harmful emissions. 0 3 -0 9 -2 0 1 6 0 4 :1 4 F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 5 8 K .p 1 .p d f F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 5 5 K .p 1 .p d f F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 4 7 K .p 1 .p d f F B 1 0 4 s _ P 0 5 0 K .p 1 .p d f A u to m a ti o n P la te r e m a k e : 1 A 7 4 -7 F E C 1 A 7 4 -7 E B 0 1 A 7 4 -7 D 7 4 1 A 7 4 -7 C 3 8 2 7 5 X 4 0 0 .0 0 1 6 A F B 1 0 4 s _ 2 _ 9 _ 2 0 1 6 C M Y K
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