Jökull - 01.12.2006, Síða 13
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Veðurstofa Íslands 1997. Greinargerðir um
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Bíldudal, Bolungarvík, Eskifjörð, Flateyri, Ísafjörð og
Hnífsdal ásamt Suðureyri, Neskaupstað, Ólafsfjörð,
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vík og Tálknafjörð. Veðurstofa Íslands - Greinargerð.
VÍ-G97010, VÍ-G96004, VÍ-G97011, VÍ-G96005,
VÍ-G96006, VÍ-G96007, VÍ-G97012, VÍ-G97013,
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Ólafsfjarðar, Ólafsvíkur, Patreksfjarðar, Seyðis-
fjarðar, Siglufjarðar, Súðavíkur. Veðurstofa Íslands -
Greinargerð: 03001, 02037, 02012, 02036, 03011,
VÍ-R97002, 04015, 03005, 03002, 02009, 01016,
03004. (Icelandic Meteorological Office - Reports:
The avalanche history for 13 towns in Iceland in 12
reports including maps.)
The Appendix includes Figures A1 to A13 show-
ing the surroundings of 13 towns. Outlines of
avalanches, as well as the evacuation plans are pre-
sented. The towns are divided into evacuation areas,
formed by vertical lines depending on avalanche paths
and horizontal lines showing evacuation levels (1-3),
as presented in Tables 3-5 and 8-17. The correlation
between the figures and tables is shown in the heading
of each table.
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