
Jökull - 01.12.2006, Side 17

Jökull - 01.12.2006, Side 17
Avalanches in coastal towns in Iceland Table 6: Avalanche weather and paths in Tálknafjörður, S-Vestfirðir. – Yfirlit yfir rýmingarsvæði, snjóflóða- veður og farvegi á Tálknafirði. Evacuation areas Avalanche weather and wind direc- tions for snowdrift accumulation Avalanche paths and notification Probably snowdrift accumulation in winds from E, SE and SW. Rain and melting. No history of avalanches before 2003. Tungufellssvæði Rain and melting. Slush flows. Evacuation due to slush flow hazard or water flooding. Evacuation level 2. Geitársvæði intense rain or melting after accumula- tion in a bowl formed starting zone up- hill. Snow accumulation can probably occur during E and SE winds as well as breeze from SW. Evacuation especially due to slush flow hazard, but also in case of dry avalanche hazard from the bowl between Innra- and Ytra-Geitárhorn. Evacuation level 2. Table 7: Avalanche weather and paths in Suðureyri, N-Vestfirðir. – Yfirlit yfir rýmingarsvæði, snjóflóðaveður og farvegi á Suðureyri. Evacuation areas Avalanche weather and wind direc- tions for snowdrift accumulation Avalanche paths and notification Rain and melting. No history of avalanches. SE-part of the town Avalanche hazard in enormous snow- fall. intense rain or intense melting can cause slush flow and landslide hazard. Locally defined evacuation due to slush flows or land- slides. North facing slope. Sea-flooding in town due to avalanches at Norðureyri on the other side of the fjord. JÖKULL No. 56 15
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