
Jökull - 01.12.2006, Síða 22

Jökull - 01.12.2006, Síða 22
Haraldsdóttir et al. Figure A8 and Table 12: Avalanche weather and paths in Bolungavík, N-Vestfirðir. – Yfirlit yfir snjóflóð, rým- ingarsvæði og snjóflóðaveður í Bolungarvík. Evacuation areas Avalanche weather and wind directions for snow- drift accumulation Avalanche paths and notification Snowdrift accumulation in winds from NW-NE Gilin Possibly accumulation from the mountain top in winds from N-NW. Small fetch. Usually erosion from the mountainside in winds from NE. Shallow gullies, not much potential ac- cumulation. The snow accumulates in Bollagil in winds from NW from the mountain top. Evacuation levels 1-3. Ufsir In winds from N-NW snow is transported from the edge of the mountain to the mountainside. No fetch. An intense snowfall in calm weather or breeze from NW-NE. Snow eroded in winds from NE. An open mountainside. A small shelf along parts of the hillside. Evacuation levels 1-3. Ernir (Horse stalls) Snow accumulation from the mountain above in winds from NW, which is not common. Snowdrift can accumulate in the gully from the side in winds from NE. The avalanche path is in two uphill gullies merging farther downhill into a well defined gully. Evacua- tion levels 1 and 3. “Sheep-houses and fishrails at Minni-Hlíð” The responsibility of the civil guard. 20 JÖKULL No. 56
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